Chapter 6

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You traveled through the forest on instinct, looking for further signs of the wizard or of Legolas himself.  Aragorn and Gimli followed behind you, head’s always swiveling looking for any enemies.

“Does she know where she’s leading us?” Gimli whispered.

Aragorn shook his head, “I sure hope so.”

You finally came to a swift halt and held up your hand for Aragorn and Gimli to follow suit.  “The White Wizard is ahead,” you whispered.

Aragorn got close to you, “don’t let him speak,” he whispered, “he will put a spell on us.”

You nodded and strung an arrow in your bow, Gimli and Aragorn both brandished their weapons beside you.  You took a deep breath and ducked under a large branch and out into a small clearing of trees. 

You sensed the wizard before you say him, the white radiance blinding you for a moment.  You fired an arrow, but it bounced off its target harmlessly.  Beside you Aragorn and Gimli were both blinded by the white light and could do nothing to help you. 

You notched another arrow and fired it at the figure again, “where is Legolas?” you shouted, watching the arrow bounce off again.

“He was here,” the voice boomed, “and met someone he did not expect.”

You didn’t fire another arrow knowing it would do no good, instead you pleaded with the wizard you still could not see, “please, where is he?” your voice barely above a whisper.

The white light slowly subsided and a figure was now visible only it wasn’t Saruman.  Before you could do anything Aragorn moved next to you, “Gandalf?”

It was Gandalf staring back at you, his usual gray features brighter and his gray clothes turned the purest white.  “How can this be?” Gimli added.

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