Section One: The Joy of a new start.

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Nevermore Academy. A school for outcasts with no style for welcoming, I take it. The school has lots of ruined or old features, giving off a gloomy and mysterious vibe. Gargoyles decorate the gates and pillars, and outcasts roam the school. Outcast is a term for people with special abilities, ranging from telekinesis to elemental manipulation, or for those who are vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural beings. But you already know that. Let's get to business.

I am Logan, a boy from the West. Sixteen to be exact. I lived life as a high school student and did videos on the side. Everything was great until one day, I was classified in an appointment for something known as O-SPMF - an oddity in my behavior that can influence others around me emotionally. I call it the sponge effect. It's a weird phenomenon that I call a gift, a blessing! But, in order to hopefully learn how to control it, I was sent to the upper east of America to attend Nevermore Academy, a school for outcasts. Although I don't fit the category, the doctors thought it would be best to have me around to 'boost morale' among the students. And after a little bit of bargaining, they decided to pay me a bit every month. A win in my book!

So, to my absolute delight, I get to attend this prestigious school. But, as luck would have it, someone was recently murdered by some unknown monster. Rumors and speculations are spreading like wildfire, adding to the already eerie atmosphere. But, I try not to let it get to me as I walk up the stairs to the principal's office.

As I climb the stairs, I feel my heart pound slightly. Being anxious before little things is my regrettable specialty. But regardless, I move on. Ahead of me, the door closes as a girl in a school uniform walks past me. Her uniform is black and gray, her hair in two pigtails resting on her shoulders. She keeps her head forward, but her eyes glance over at me. Her eyes are darker than normal, as she analyzes me quickly. All in a single second. I stop and look behind me when she passes. Her presence is odd, to say the least. But regardless, I knock on the principal's door.

"Come in," a lady's voice says, and I enter the office.

I walk into the room and am greeted by a tall woman with white hair and red lipstick. Her kind gaze meets mine as she asks, "Ah, you must be Logan, correct?" I nod and reply, "Yes Mrs. Weems, thank you for having me at your academy! I'm excited to start." Principal Weems smiles and slides a paper across her desk towards me. "This is all the information you will need. You should already know everything, but any questions?" she asks. I take the paper and quickly scan it before asking, "Yes actually. I saw a girl come out of your office, and her uniform isn't blue and black like the others. Why is that?" The principal's face drops slightly as she tries to keep her composure. "Oh, that's Wednesday Addams. She's a... special girl."

Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in her head and Principal Weems suggests, "I just had a lovely idea! How about I get you in some classes with her? Maybe your condition could help her adjust better?" I take a moment to consider the proposition before responding confidently, "Hitting two birds with one stone, I guess! Sure!" But inside, I can't shake the feeling that this Wednesday girl's presence is odd. Everyone has a light in them, and I can see it in their eyes. But with this girl, it's not as clear.

"Splendid!" Principal Weems exclaims. "Well, your dorm number is M-204. Your uniform is on your bed." As she stands up from her seat, she extends her hand for a handshake. "Welcome to Nevermore, Logan." I shake her hand and reply, "An honor!"

Just like that, I sold my soul to fate. That handshake sealed the deal, and the events that follow are set in stone.

The next day, I put on my blue school uniform and headed to the courtyard. The sun was shining through my window as much as it could, and the blue color of my uniform popped against the brightness. Dust particles floated in the air, illuminated by the sun's rays. It was a beautiful day. As I walked towards the courtyard, I noticed a ton of students heading into town, Jericho.

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