Section Two and a half: Joy on a Notecard.

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The day passed like any other, but a lot had happened. The clock continued to tick away as it approached 8:00 PM. After taking a shower, I returned to my dorm room to find a note on my bed.

"Dear Logan,

I hope this message finds you in good health and that you don't fear the darkness. I have been pondering over our earlier conversation, and I believe your offer could be beneficial. Recently, I had an encounter at a crypt, and I think we could discover more if we revisit the place.

I am writing to you because I sense your inquisitiveness, and I would like to invite you to join me in exploring the crypt tonight. If you can prove yourself to be the "muscle" you claimed to be earlier today, I believe we could make an excellent team for the night.

If you're brave enough to accept my proposal, meet me in the courtyard at midnight. Remember to bring a flashlight and be prepared for anything. I guarantee you an experience that you will cherish for a lifetime.

I will wait for you for five minutes after midnight. If you don't show up, I will leave without you. Don't keep me waiting.


Wednesday Addams."

I look around my room, but there's no one there. "Well, crap!" I mutter to myself, with a chuckle. I head to my closet and search for appropriate attire. I settle on an all-black outfit - pants, shirt, and jacket - and grab a flashlight I brought from home. I neatly pack all my school stuff in my bag, including a bottle of water and some minor essentials. Then, I wait.

At 11:55 PM, I sneak outside. Some of the floorboards creak under my feet, but I manage to make it to the courtyard undetected. I stand near the fountain and look around. "I'm glad you showed up," Wednesday's voice startles me. I look around, but she's hiding in the shadows. "Don't stand in the moonlight. You'll be too easy to spot," she warns me. I nod in agreement. "You're right. But it's a pretty moon." I reply. Wednesday gazes up at the sky. "It would look better as a blood moon." she says, before turning around and gesturing for me to follow her.

Following Wednesday through the night, we move from the school and venture into the woods. The wind gently rustles through the leaves of the trees, and our footsteps make a soft pattering sound on the path. A nearby river flows calmly, adding to the peaceful atmosphere.

"I must admit," Wednesday says softly, "something about the woods at night is thrilling. The way it cloaks us in shadow makes me feel like we're in another world."

"I agree," I say, looking around. "It's pretty tonight. But it's also kind of eerie with all the trees looming over us."

"Eerie?" Wednesday turns to me. "No, I wouldn't say that. I find it comforting, in a way. The darkness can hide us and protect us from prying eyes. And the silence... it's like the world is holding its breath, waiting for us to make our move."

Her words flow like a gentle breeze, and I can't help but be captivated. "That's really beautiful, Wednesday." I say, genuinely impressed. "Kind of creepy thinking that something might be watching us at this hour, but still beautiful."

"Thank you." she says, turning her head again to face me. "But don't worry. If something attacks us and you live, it builds character."

I can't help but smirk at her comment. "Heh, you're not wrong."

After a few more minutes of walking, we arrive at the crypt. It's old, with gray stone pillars covered in moss surrounding it. "Here we are," Wednesday says, pulling out her flashlight.

I turn on my flashlight and follow her as she walks to the right side of the entrance, feeling the stone with her hands. "I hate to interrupt, but why here out of all places?" I ask, confused.

"Because I had a vision here a few days ago," she says, without looking at me. "I'm hoping something will trigger another vision so I can speak to an ancestor again."

"I see... visions are quite interesting," I say, trying to relate.

"Indeed they are," she responds.

After a minute of feeling around, she turns to me. "Unfortunately, I don't think we will get anything," she sighs and starts to walk back. "Anything you want to try before we go?" I ask her.

"I'm fine following you around, but I doubt you want me here just for my 'charming' company," she shakes her head.

"We can't get in because it's locked, and the doors are heavy," she turns back to me. "But if you must know, I invited you because you're different than the majority. You are a people person, but not the people themselves. I can learn a thing or two from that," she says before gesturing to me to follow again.

"Well, I'm honored you think so. Thanks, Wednesday!" I smile and follow behind her once again.

The walk back to the dorms is mostly silent, with occasional thoughts shared about the world or ourselves. I make sure Wednesday gets to her dorm safely, despite her insistence that she's fine. I make my way to my own dorm room, put my school stuff back into my bag, and lie down on my bed for a long night's sleep.

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