Section Seven: A new found resolve.

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I hear clanging and footsteps, frantic and all over the place, cursing words in a muttered panic. I wake up with a boost of adrenaline, my body throbbing in pain and drenched in my blood. The gash over my chest cries bloody tears of sorrow. I look outside the window and see a car! If I can get to that car, I can warn Wednesday! But my vision is too impaired to sneak past the killer inside. It feels like my vision has been traded for my muscles and brain. I attempt to move, but the floorboard under me creaks. The person downstairs stops their fractiousness and slowly makes their way up to me. I desperately try to wiggle away, using whatever strength I have left. But suddenly, I see myself making it into the shadows as the masked person climbs up. In confusion when that vanishes, I do exactly what I just saw through the premonition. "My soul is leaving my body." I think as I roll into the shadow. The figure walks up, wearing all black with red boots, looking around and moving boxes to find what was up here. Again, my vision shows me and the figure. The killer moves a box close to me, but I'm able to stay hidden. After ten seconds, the vision vanishes, and I'm back where I was when I saw the second vision. I follow the vision, and it comes true. The killer then quits their pursuit of tracking me and walks downstairs to finish what they were doing. I seethe in relief and pain as I fidget with the window, trying to open it. To my luck, it unlocks. As carefully as I can, I throw my body through the window, using my good arm to hold me quickly before dropping. I fall and slide onto the first level's roof, leaving a bloody trail behind me.

As I slowly crawl with my non-functional arm and blood draining from my body in shambles, I move with what strength I have left towards the car. "Just... a little more..." I wheeze, praying that the killer is inside for longer. After about five minutes of trying, the killer exits the house, gets into the car, and drives off. My body takes out its anger on itself as the blood starts to pump out faster, causing immense pain. However, one thing is on my mind: "Tell Wednesday before it's too late." I crawl chest down in the direction of Nevermore, knowing that if I stop, I will die.

I keep crawling through the dirt and mud throughout the night, my body shivering from the cold. My fingers and hands are cut and begging for mercy. Now, as the early morning sun rises, the fog of the woods sets in, creating a blue tint that makes me feel like I'm in another world or losing my mind. As I continue to crawl, I have another vision of the next ten seconds. A squirrel tries to get a snack from my bag on my back, and I try to swat it away, but it will avoid me. When the foresight stops, I see the squirrel and try to grab it, knowing where it goes, but it still evades me, leaving the result the same. When the future I saw is over, I actually grab the squirrel and toss it in another direction before continuing my path. The cool wind brushes against me like it would a rock. "Why am I seeing the future? Am I dead, and it's my soul leaving my body?" I ask myself as I continue to crawl. "No matter what, it feels like whatever happens in that vision always happens, no matter what." My hands and arms tremble. "Why is this happening to me!?" I want to yell in pain and confusion. I try to see another vision, and it works! It shows me crawling forward. After the vision ends, I try to roll to the side, but when I finish rolling, I'm where I would be in the vision. I continue to crawl forward, my life dwindling away, and I can hardly think. "Wednesday, Tyler, Nevermore, Pain, and my prayers" are all my brain allows me to think about. The mist turns from a morning blue to a light gray. It's the middle of the day now, and I feel like a zombie. I'm unaware of whether I'm heading in the right direction anymore, or if I will live or die. I simply keep moving forward. In front of me, I see a small rise to what looks like an altar/platform. I begrudgingly climb up on it, get to the middle, and collapse. My body is finally giving in. It's a miracle that I made it this far without giving out. I collapse onto the stone, and my gash collides with the cold stone. As I try to give up, my muscles fail me, refusing to work. I simply breathe, unable to move as my sight goes black. Tears fall from my face, and I'm not ready to let go of the life I've lived for 16 years, or my family and friends...

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