Section Eight: The Blood Moon.

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Logan, with his new ability given to him through Divine power, sets out to stalk Tyler, get his revenge. And protect Wednesday and Nevermore! Fulfilling his purpose for being here. But what lies beyond is beyond comprehension.

While epitaph is inspired (and mostly is) epitaph from JJBA, stands are not in this universe. Although it is possible that being psychic, and a outcast can be considered a stand user. Although no one can see these stands if they existed. Although the parallels between Johnny Joestar's evolution to gain Tusk Act III, and Logan's Epitaph evolving to change fate itself is an interesting topic to think about...

- The Eye Reader.

The sun blinds me as I wake up the next morning. I slept in longer than I had hoped, but despite that, I am able to spy on Tyler as he walks into the cafe with his idiocy. I hunch as I watch him through the window all day, with people coming and going, but thankfully, no one notices me. I even manage to "borrow" a police officer's gun, but it doesn't look like a family heirloom, so I'll return it after this mess. It's not until night when Tyler closes up the cafe early and strolls into the woods. I slide down the ladder and follow him closely behind. He walks with a skip in his steps, clearly happy (and cocky). I follow him as stealthy as possible, ready to shoot him if needed. I use Epitaph to time skip over to the meeting place and see the Nightshades surround Tyler. "What's going on here?" he says, pretending to be confused. "You're coming with us." a girl named Bianca says, using her siren abilities to knock him out. The boys carry him into the back of a van, and I hide under the car. As everyone gets in the van, I hop on the top of the car, unable to hear what they say inside, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Wednesday is aware of my presence.

We arrive at a shed, which apparently belongs to Xavier. It is filled with drawings of the monster. They chain Tyler to a chair and Bianca wakes him up. "Where am I? Wednesday?!" Tyler asks dazed. I watch through the window, revolver in hand. I'm ready to shoot Tyler with all six bullets if necessary. I won't let Wednesday or the others get hurt. I watch attentively, analyzing every move. Wednesday has two tasers and uses them to tase Tyler. That woman is great! Crazy, but great! I hear police sirens ringing throughout the forest as the Nightshades leave. I want to do something, but I cannot. Having a stolen gun, Tyler crying to daddy about Wednesday, and me not being protected is bad news. So I frustratingly watch from the shadows, making my way to Jericho. I sprint through the forest, my bat and bag clanging against my back. Hours later, I make it to Jericho. I rush into a general goods store, leave ten dollars in the cash register, and take bandages, medicine, and first aid. I'm not losing my life again, or anyone else's life! I rush out as the police turn in. I run and hide in an alley, watching the police station. They have Wednesday in custody. I watch from the outside as Principal Weem/s car pulls up as expected. I take out a paper, my gloves protecting my fingerprints, and write with a pen taken from my school bag:

"Protect Wednesday at ALL COSTS!"

I write, leaving it in her car, and pray she sees it. Then, I make my way to Nevermore and relax on the roof, basking in the heavenly white glow of the moon. The black clothing I wear absorbs the light while sweat drips down my forehead, cooled by the cold air. The smell, though unpleasant, mixes with the adrenaline, heightening my senses. However, my moment is interrupted by thrashing, smashing, and a stabbing sound. I drop down and find myself at Wednesday and Enid's dorm. The room is in disarray, with Wednesday's belongings scattered everywhere. Suddenly, I hear a dripping sound and look up to see Thing, stabbed. "Thing!" I yell before taking out the knife and putting him on a cloth. "It's me, Logan!" I whisper urgently. "I'm going to heal you. Focus on your pressure points." I say as I focus on his wounds. The wound slowly start to heal, but it's not enough. Then, I hear Wednesday come into the room. "Thing, I'm going to try something. Since my condition amplifies my mood, Maybe my blood can help you?" I say before pricking my finger with the knife from my bag and giving a drop of blood to Thing's wound. "If Wednesday asks, I'm dead!" I whisper before running out onto the deck and into the woods, where I sit against a tree. I hear Wednesday scream for help, and I rush after her as she makes her way to Eugene's beekeep. She calls for someone named "Uncle Fester." and as she gets inside, I hear zapping sounds. "Come on, Thing..." I whisper, being nearby but out of sight. "Don't give up yet." I plead. And for the first time, I hear Wednesday cry. "Thing, if you die, I am going to kill you." I hear desperation in her voice. I close my eyes, thinking about how I could foresee the future, but I'm afraid of a bad outcome being set in stone. Suddenly, I feel my hand bubble, looking like it's burning. My hand bursts with blood spewing out of it, and I quickly cover it up, biting my lip. Then, I hear gentle tapping and gasps of relief. Thing will live on. I sigh, and then Wednesday says with a sniffle, "Someone's here." I run away and hide, only to see her look around and notice my blood. She doesn't know what to think of it. She walks back in with her uncle and Thing.

The Eye Reader: MoonchildWhere stories live. Discover now