After story One: Last Train Home.

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I wake up in my dorm room, everything from my adventures packed: photos, videos, my bag, the scars to prove it, the memories, and above all, friends! You know when you fight off murderers with some people, you're going to be friends for life! The school staff decided that it would be safer for everyone to have the semester off, with optional online if desired. Xavier, who was accidentally framed by Wednesday, has had all records of it revoked and has been let off. Enid wolfed out that night and is feeling ecstatic! Thing has made a full recovery, minus a scar. Sheriff Gulpin is struggling to get over his son being a Hyde and all. Honestly, I feel bad for him. His son is a hellbent monster, quite literally. Eugene, who apparently liked Enid, didn't get her but met another girl, and those two are happily in love. And many other students are happy to return home with their families! Call me crazy, but I'm going to miss this school. From the time I first saw Wednesday determinedly walking down that hall to where she danced at the Rave'n, and we got covered in blood paint and ran through the woods, to me being able to heal her, helping Enid out with life, and growing as a person. Under normal circumstances, I would never consider Wednesday a friend, or even know her. But because of her eyes, because of her being her, I was able to find my purpose in coming here.

I first thought coming to nevermore was just because of me. But now I see that god put me here for more then I could comprehend. I was here to help others and to protect. While I am traumatized at some events, I find peace being here with those I love.

 As I wake up, orange rays of light peer through the window, hitting my face to wake me up. I can see dust particles gently floating by. I bring all my things down to the main area. It's crowded with students saying their goodbyes. I hand out my number to everyone I know, making sure to stay in contact!

"Logan!" Enid sobs, hugging me tightly. "Please don't die till next semester, or ever!" she whines. "I promise I won't, Enid!" I say, returning the hug. "If you need advice or a friend, I'm your guy!" I say proudly. She wipes her eyes and giggles. "We can go get our hair done!" she exclaims.

I feel my hair; I really let it go while at Nevermore. While still not overly long, it is a lot longer than before, yet decently kept. "Enid, I'm straight?" Enid's face drops in awe. "YOU'RE STRAIGHT?!" she yells, bringing a minor silence to everyone. I facepalm. "YES, Enid!" I laugh. "I've always been straight! How did you not know?" She blushes, embarrassed. "Whoops ahaha." She smiles. "Sooooooo~ who's your crush?" Enid teases. "What?" I say surprised and the suddenness of the question.

"Is itttttt Wednesday?" Enid teases, I look down. "No..." we're both silent. "O-M-G!" she squeals like a child on Christmas. "IT ALL MAKES SENSE! You are always looking out for her, watching her back, etc.!" I stammer in suprise. "No! No, no! I-" I give up. "Okay, yeah, she grew on me a little..." Enid laughs. She tells me to make a move. I agree and say my goodbyes to her! We exchanged numbers already.

I walk around and find Xavier. "Logan!" he says, giving me a handshake. "Xavier!" I smile while shaking his hand. "I'm going to miss you, dude. Let's hang out sometime!" I tell him. He smiles, bringing the handshake into a hug. "Of course." He says. We chat for a little before we see Wednesday leave, out the door.

Xavier sighs "You know she's trouble, right?" he says. I nod knowingly. "Yes. But she needs someone to help her navigate the social world." I smile. "With me, you, and Enid? I think she has a good shot." I smile. Xavier shakes his head. "Good luck, you'll need it!" He laughs. We say goodbye and exchange phone numbers.

Running out of the school, I catch up with Wednesday. "Wednesday!" I cheered, running after her. She turned around and gave me a small smile. "Logan, it's a pleasure to see you." she said. I smirked at her response. "I knew I'd rub off on you sooner or later!" Wednesday rolled her eyes. "Oh please, it's probably just your blood in my system. Thanks, by the way." I nodded. "Of course, Wednesday. It's been an honor to be your friend!" Wednesday smiled back. "Likewise, Logan." We both stood there silently for a second. "Well, I have a gift for you, Logan." she said, reaching into one of her bags. "I was going to keep it to add to my stalker shrine I have of you." she says, I stood there and awkwardly laughed. "I got into humor." Wednesday says, making me laugh loudly. "Gosh, you're great, Wednesday!" I smiled. "I also have a gift for you." I handed her a flash drive with my phone number on it. "Next time you miss Nevermore, give it a watch, will ya?" I said with a wink. Wednesday nodded, taking the flash drive.

"Logan, I'm a strong person." Wednesday started. "I don't depend on others, and I don't need their pity..." she said. Her voice got softer. "But having you always on my side was... nice." she said. I hugged her. "And I always will be!" Wednesday gently hugged me back. "Thank you." she said, her grip tightening ever so slightly. "Of course!" I smiled. I let go and pat her shoulder. "Also, call it cringe, but I feel bad about you and Tyler." I said. Wednesday raised an eyebrow. "What are you getting at?" I chuckled awkwardly. "Well its a shame your first romantic encounter was with a beast!" I laugh " Soooo... I was wondering if I could make it up to you? We could go out to eat sometime, and you could have a date that doesn't have you tazing them!" I laughed. Wednesday joined in on the laughter. "Who says I won't? I am quite unpredictable." she nudges my shoulder. "The Wednesday Addams experience is one I'm willing to take!" I laughed. Wednesday thought for a second. "I'll take you up on that offer." she smirked. We gave each other a hug as her parents arrived to pick her up. "Don't be a stranger, Wednesday!" I smiled. She nodded. "Likewise, Logan. Don't be a stranger." She walked off to her parents, giving them a hug. I waved to the Addams goodbye as I walked away. Now, there is one more loose end I need to cut.

Dressed up in the drifter outfit, I hang out in a tree. I'm looking for a van, a special swat van carrying my old friend, Tyler Gulpin. Apparently, he didn't die when his dad shot him. Maybe Wednesday rubbed off on me. But If I were to kill someone, it would be Tyler Gulpin. I await on the tree as I see the car come by, I hop down on top of the van. Using Epitaph, I see that it is Indeed the van containing Tyler. The van screeches from the thud of me colliding. I use Epitaph, I Walk Inside the van. Tyler is there looking around. "Consider this judgement for all the people you hurt, Hyde and non Hyde." I whisper in his ear. He won't recognize i said that before it's too late. With five seconds left, I pull out the revolver, 5 bullets remain. BANG! Bang, bang, bang! BANG! I shoot. With three seconds left I escape to the trees. When the new result of time occurs, I view Epitaph to make sure the outcome I want is 100%. Tyler hears my words, his eyes widening. "L-Logan!" He yells before the bullets appear out of thin air and shoot him. Every shot hits. Tyler Gulpin has died.

I want to say that I felt the same gust of life after we defeated Crackstone and Laurel, but I didn't. Only the cold bitter wind of judgment. What I did was my way of bringing justice to all the people he killed. Tyler's dad screamed in terror, and while I know I will be judged by my actions, the way I see it, he cannot hurt anyone again. Only time will tell.

As I make my way back to Nevermore and burn the drifter clothes in a secluded area, I can't help but feel relieved that it's over. After putting out the fire and collecting my things, I board the train to the airport. My phone is buzzing incessantly, and when I check it, I see that Enid has created a group chat that's causing a lot of laughs.

But then I receive a text from Wednesday.

"Is this Logan?"
"This is he!"
"It's me, Wednesday. Would you be willing to help me out with something?"
"I have some time before my flight. What's up?"
"It seems I have a stalker."
"Is it a creepy lovey-dovey type, or an 'I want to kill you' type?"
"The latter."
"You've awakened such a weird side of me, Wednesday... I'm in!"



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