Section Three: Fruits of my Labor.

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I was thinking that you need to be strong to defend those you love, so this is why this chapter is here! While hard to not be boring about it, it can add more insight to the character!

- The Eye Reader

I sleep well until 5:30 in the morning. I hear a gentle creaking outside my door and hushed, quiet voices talking in the distance, but that's not what's making me restless. Inside my heart, I feel that something is wrong, not like when I've eaten too many candies on Halloween and my heart is screaming for exercise, but almost like a premonition that I need to act. Pondering throughout the morning and getting ready for the day, I come to the conclusion that "If I am here for a reason, I need to be strong," I say to myself before leaving the courtyard. I stop at the student shop that has snacks and food for purchase and buy a protein shake. Unfortunately, the clouds have covered the sun today, but there's still a tune in my heart, and I hum Maroon 5's "Payphone" as I get to my classes for the day.

Nothing of note occurs for the first three periods, and I head into town again during lunch. But I drink a protein shake inside my car before I get out. I take off my uniform jacket and put it gently in my car. I walk around town, looking through shop windows and marking a path of where I'm going to run. After the first lap, I start to jog in the path. The first time, I'm fine; the second time, I'm a little winded; the third lap, I'm struggling. But I carry on because if I don't get stronger, I'll fail at something. After four more laps, I take a break, walking the lap again. I repeat like a clock for minutes on end. My legs burn and feel like they're growing ever so slowly. Getting back to my car, I allow myself to rest, letting the cool breeze brush on my body. I reapply the deodorant I brought in my bag. Walking back into town, Wednesday appears behind me. "Why are you walking around like that? You're embarrassing yourself," she says. I jump at her sudden appearance. "Oh! Hey Wednesday," I smile, regaining my posture. "Just getting exercise, despite how stupid I'll look." Wednesday, after I speak, rolls her eyes. "I would recommend becoming agile and quick, but I don't think you could pull it off like I do, no offense." I laugh along with her statement. "None taken!" I say cheerfully. I think for a second. "I should actually buy a pull-up bar." Wednesday nods in approval.

She follows me to a local store where, thankfully, I find a pull-up bar that fits in a doorframe for twenty-five dollars. I buy it and we walk back to my car. "Would you like a ride back to Nevermore?" I ask Wednesday as I lean on my car. "That would be better than waiting for the bus with all the other students. They can be quite annoying at times." she replies, entering the passenger seat. I hop in the car myself and scroll through my music. "Have you ever listened to King Crimson?" I ask curiously. "I have my doubts, but go ahead," Wednesday responds. I turn on the songs "Epitaph" and "The Court of the Crimson King." The ride is mostly silent, other than my occasional singing along.

Later, I ask Wednesday, "So, any luck with your visions?" She shakes her head. "Unfortunately, no. But in regards to the monster I saw, I have some leads." I slow down the car slightly to look at Wednesday. "Monster?" I look back at the road, laughing insecurely. "Why am I even surprised? Haha!" She looks at me with seriousness. "It's no laughing matter, Logan." she says, looking out the window. "It saved me from Rowan a while back." I look back at her. "Really now? That makes it sound like it had orders not to attack you." Wednesday nods. "But that means that someone doesn't want me dead." I nod in response. "Did people die from this monster before you got here? Because if not, maybe someone or something is trying to protect you?" Wednesday shakes her head. "It happened before I got here. But it's still odd how I was spared." We arrive at Nevermore and get out. I bring my pull-up bar with me after putting on my jacket.

"Well, whatever it is, I will be here for you, Wednesday. And I'll be ready!" I say as we go our separate ways. "I'll hold you to it then," Wednesday replies, thanking me for the ride back to school. "Anytime, Wednesday! Glad to help," I say before making my way to my dorm room. I put the bar on my bed for later and head to my next class, fencing. While I like swords, I'm unsure if I have the talent. Upon entering the room, I'm given a wooden practice sword to start with. Looking around, I see the class spar with each other, while I duel with a dummy. It's quite boring until Wednesday says, "If you're stalking me, you're doing a horrible job." I jump and yelp a little. "Gosh! You need to wear a bell or something!" I say with a laugh. "But for your info, I'm not stalking you." Wednesday rolls her eyes coyly. "And I'm not a walking corpse." she says with almost humor. "Put on a suit, get a blade. I want to see what you've got." I nod and grab a suit, feeling hot and stuffy. I grab the sword and gently swing it, getting a feel for it. We get on a mat, another student referees the sparring. "What experience do you have with fencing?" Wednesday asks, barely audible with her mask. "None, but I do know a little about swords!" I reply, swirling the blade. The student counts down. "Three, two, one... Begin!"

Wednesday instantly takes a jab at me, but I manage to swat her sword away. We're both anxious, waiting for the other to make a move. She swings at me, but I block the hit. She quickly swings again, and I almost miss the block. I end up on my knees, giving her the advantage. I roll to my right, but when I get up, Wednesday's blade is at my neck. "Creative, but too slow," she says, retracting her blade. Some of the other students are in awe that I lasted that long without being hit. "I was going hard on you, of course. But I'm almost impressed that you made it that long as a beginner," Wednesday says. I stand up and admit, "Like you said earlier today, I'm not agile! Lesson learned." The rest of the class period, Wednesday teaches me, training my instincts and brain with fencing information. "You're doing it wrong," she says blandly as always. "If you swing too far, you leave yourself open." I break a sweat from all the fencing. "But how am I supposed to use my strength then?" I ask, breathing heavily. "I need to use everything I have to my advantage!" Wednesday rolls her eyes. "It's not an advantage if you can be decapitated in one swing," she says, holding her sword up to me. "In fencing, unfortunately, you're not trying to kill each other. You're trying to get them into a point of submission. So hold the blade firmly, and when the time is right, quickly strengthen your swing. But keep them controlled." I nod, and we do a quick practice round for demonstration. "Better than earlier," she says with some approval. After fighting for a bit, we start packing up. "You're showing improvement quickly, but I'd recommend something like boxing," she says, taking off her helmet. "You're probably right, but it never hurts to work on my weak points," I say with a smile. Wednesday rolls her eyes. "Your optimism is intoxicating." I have an awkward yet smug laugh. We go our separate ways for the day, and just like that, the day is over.

I get back to my dorm after school and turn on my computer to edit the video from yesterday. After half an hour, I decide to set up my pull-up bar and start doing pull-ups. I alternate between doing pull-ups and editing, getting into the habit of repeating this cycle.

While I'm in the middle of doing pull-ups, Enid stops by my dorm and asks if I'm busy. I drop down and reply, "Hey, I'm available. What's going on?" Enid puts her hands behind her back and cheerfully asks if I'd like to do an interview later for the blog. I smile and say, "Gee, I didn't think you did that! I'd love to! When?" Enid's face lights up and she exclaims, "Thank you! We can do it now if you like!"

We walk into my dorm and she pulls out her laptop, her fingers clicking gently with each type. Enid asks me various questions about my past, how school has been so far, and general stuff about me. She then asks about my interest in film and when I got into it. My eyes widen and I exclaim, "Well, as a kid I loved making YouTube videos! But my videos were always lame because it was one take, no editing. So as I learned how to make videos, editing stood out to me as fun! I got into my old school's video program and learned lots from there!"

Enid nods in approval and types for a second longer before saying with a grin, "Looking good!" She then asks me one last question, "Have any girls asked you out to The Rave'n yet?" My head tilts and I ask, "The... Raven?" Enid laughs and corrects me, "The Rave-N! It's a dance we have every year! The girls ask out a guy and we have a good time." I nod in understanding and beam with optimism, "I see, hopefully, it's better than my old school's dances! But no, I haven't been asked. If I don't, I may go film it! Make a video, do what I do best!"

Enid nods in approval and says, "I like it, I like every single bit of it!" She closes her laptop, stands up, and hugs me. "Thanks so much for letting me interview you!" Hugging her back gratefully, I reply, "Thanks, Enid! Keep me updated on how it goes!" We say our goodbyes and she heads off. I put my pull-up bar away and finish editing.

One of my favorite things are dances. Almost everything could go bad, but if you are with those you care about, and the music is right, you can feel like everything is like magic! The bodyheat, Nostalgic songs, people having a good time, its all magic in the air! I need to go to a dance again...

- The Eye Reader.

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