Section Six: Birthday Wishes.

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This is where the fun begins. - Diego Brando, just before throwing dozens of knives at his opponent. Like Diego: This is where the fun begins.

- The Eye Reader.

It's been about a week since the Addams were set free, and me, Xavier, Enid, and others are throwing a surprise party for Wednesday. "Are we sure we wanna do this?" a girl says as we set up in Crackstone crypt. "Well, at least she will recognize the effort!" Enid says cheerfully setting up.

"Enid! Go get her already!" Xavier yells, due to being behind schedule. Enid rushes off to get her and we all finish up. We wait silently for around 10 minutes until the door opens, then closes. "Enid?" Wednesday exclaims, turning around to face the door.

Xavier counts with his fingers, "5...4...3...2...1..." When he reaches zero, we come out of the shadows singing "Happy Birthday." Enid cheerfully comes through the door with a cake. "Happy birthday, dear Wednesday!" we all sing. The cake is black frosting with a grim reaper holding a pink balloon. Wednesday looks at us all as we wait for her to make a wish, but she turns around and analyzes the wall. "Fire will rain." she reads.

Last night, someone burned the same words onto Nevermore's grass. Interesting, to say the least. I step towards Wednesday, intrigued, until she stands up straight, looking up at the ceiling. She slowly tips over. "Catch her, catch her, CATCH HER!" I yell before rushing to her, catching her just in time. Almost instantly, she wakes up, seeing me upside down. She stares at me intensely.

"It's okay, I got you. We're all here!" I smile softly. She stands up as I help her onto her feet.

Unfortunately, Wednesday was too occupied with solving this mystery to care. While it hurts, I know that the prophecy will come true. Feelings aside, the lives of everyone matter more. Begrudgingly, I help clean up and head to bed for the night. The next day, Wednesday's birthday, I approach her happily with a present. "I know you're probably sick of all the gifts." I say coyly. "But if you're going to be out and about, I want you to take this." I hand Wednesday the bag. She looks at me, then the gift. She opens it to reveal a hatchet. She unsheathes it. "It's not too sharp, but I thought you may want the joy of sharpening it for yourself!" I say with a smile. Wednesday looks at me with a half smile. "I like it, thank you Logan." she says putting it back in the bag. "Say Logan, meet me at Nevermore's entrance tonight at 9:00. I need your help." she says before walking off. "Oh, yeah sure thing Wednesday! Happy birthday!" I call out after her.

Later that night, I walk out to the entrance of Nevermore. I see a truck at the entrance. I peer in and see none other than Tyler. "Tyler?" I ask. "Logan?" he asks, "what are you doing here?" I sigh. "I was told Wednesday needed me here?" Then, Wednesday and Enid arrive. "Great, you're here. Get in." Wednesday says, hopping in the passenger seat. I hop in the back seat. "Wait, I thought this was a girls' night!" Enid whines before getting in. Wednesday looks at the road. "Plans changed." Enid tries to protest, but regardless we are off, off to the Gates house to be exact. Apparently, Wednesday and her mother did some figurative and literal digging to find out about the Gates family. The son apparently had poison on his body and died. And in Wednesday's vision, she saw this house.

We pull up to the old house, and cobwebs are everywhere, with no lights on. As we follow Wednesday inside, it's almost as creepy as the outside. Cobwebs string through the halls, and furniture is oddly tidied up. Enid is practically shaking with fear, exclaiming, "This is the worst girls' night ever!"

Wednesday decides that Enid and she will search upstairs, while Tyler and I stay on the first level. I express my concern to Wednesday, saying, "Are you sure? Look, call me if you need me." Enid complains to Wednesday, "See! Why can't he go with you instead?" But regardless, they head upstairs, and Tyler and I remain downstairs to search.

After a while of searching in silence, I ask Tyler, "What are your plans for the future, Tyler?" He responds, "Well, I'm hoping to explore the world. Maybe get to talk to someone more without distractions." Then he asks, "What about you?"

I reply, "Well, I'm thinking about after Nevermore. You know? I feel my purpose here is to protect Wednesday. Fate has brought me to her for a reason... I think when this prophecy and monster stuff is over, I'll propose to Wednesday?" Tyler looks confused as I say that, but before he can speak, we hear Enid calling for Wednesday.

I pat Tyler on the shoulder and say, "I'll be right back!" and rush upstairs. When I get there, I see a tidy room with no cobwebs. "We have our killer." Wednesday exclaims, holding a music box.

Suddenly, we hear a roar! And Tyler screams! A slice can be heard as Tyler groans. "Ladies! Hide!" I yell, unattaching my spiked bat from its holster. The monster walks up the stairs, roaring! The girls run behind me. "Not today!" I yell, swinging the bat across the monster's face! It groans in pain and slashes at me. I'm able to skip back as it slices again! The girls hide in some laundry drop. "Wednesday, Enid! Run when I give the- Woah!" The monster slices me as I duck; it hits the laundry drop and the wire snaps, dropping them! "WEDNESDAY, ENID!" I cry before hitting the monster over the head. It groans as it slashes across my chest! I immediately cough out blood. The monster grabs me and throws me up at an attic entrance, breaking the trapdoor. My body pulsates as my vision wavers. "R-RUN!" I yell, praying that the girls hear me.

For enhancing the scene...

 The monster disappears and I hear regular footsteps up the stairs. Creak.... Crrrkk... Riiinnnnk. The stairs goran. As the figure gets to my level, I look over to see Tyler. His eyes filled with hate and anger. He walks over to me, crouching over my bleeding body. "Wednesday is mine, Logan." Blood drools down my face as it hits me.

"You... you're the monster!" I croak, losing my strength. "It all makes sense! You leaving Wednesday's side at the Rave'n..." I cough. "You're damn right." He growls. "And no one is going to know it's me." He yells, looking at me with anger. "It's going to be so much easier to woo her without you, a fly buzzing around." I feel my stomach drop, literally and figuratively. But I smirk. The smirk turns into a laugh. "Heh. Heheh. Heheheheh, HAHAHAHAHA!" I laugh maniacally, finding a newfound resolve in my life. "Oh Tyler. You have no idea!" I still say laughing. He stares at me angrily, ready to kill me. "I'm going to get back to Nevermore.... Tell everyone it's you... And I'm going to beat your ass sooo hard..." I laugh again manically, tears in my eyes from pain and mania. "And after I do... I'm going to marry Wednesday Addams... it was only a half joke when I said it earlier... a way to get you to make your move... with her..." I cough up blood, my vision hazy. "B-but now. It's not anymore. Do you hear me, Tyler? I'M GOING TO MARRY WEDNESDAY ADDAMS!" I yell at the top of my lungs, cackling. "H-how does my last name sound after Wednesday, Jackass..?" Tyler yells and raises his hand to end my life. But he stops himself. He paces around before getting close to my face. He punches my bloody gut. Blood rushes out and I cough out even more, my insides exposed and spilling out, like a frog in a biology class. "I'm going to let you bleed out and rot away!" he says menacingly. "Maybe it will teach you to not get involved." He says before leaving me in the attic all alone. My vision gets blurry, a ringing in my head. The more the blood pumps in my body, the more I lose, draining the saturation from my life.

I can hear Wednesday and Enid finding Tyler 'wounded.' "L-Logan is dead. The m-monster took his life." he says, acting weak. I want to scream, curse him, curse this whole prophecy! I want to tell Wednesday that he is the monster...I want to accomplish my goal in life. But when I try to scream, nothing comes out. Only gasps of air and pathetic wheezes that are meant to form words. Looking outside the window I am leaned next to, the moon shines brightly. Not only will I die, knowing I failed, but the one purpose I had, the one I did all this for, Wednesday, the moonchild in my eyes, will be the last thing I see. I see them drive away before looking at the moon. My bloody hands touch the moon through the's hard to's hard to breathe...All I want to sleep... "Lord..." I mutter. "Don't let me be in vain..." I managed to utter before...


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