The shadow

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Gil went to lunch. He got a sandwich and a drink, and sat down. He saw flint and Sam sitting nearby. Gil ate up his sandwich and drink and returned the food tray. He walked passed Sam and flint. "Hey Gil." Said flint. Oh hey guys, he replied. "Lunch isn't even half way over yet where are you going?" They asked. Oh I have to go run by the cafe across the street and get mayor dad his lunch! Gil replied.

"Oh yeah! I forgot sometimes you have to do that." Said flint. Yeah, see you guys later! Gil said. Gil kind of wanted to tell them what was going on, but he knew his father wouldn't like it. His father didn't like people knowing everything about him. Which is understandable of course. Gil went outside the front doors of the school and made his way across the street to the cafe. He walked in and picked up his fathers food.

After that he exited the cafe. He went through a small alley way to get back to the street to cross. Then suddenly he thought he saw a shadow. It sounded like the shadow was growling. Gil began to get nervous, he looked behind him and swore he thought he saw his father in wolf form.. "what?? I- I thought he was in his office!" Gil said to himself. Then suddenly the growls became deeper.

It suddenly charged at Gil. Gil let out a scream and ran fast back to the street. He ran into the street, almost getting hit by a car in the process, he made it to the other side and face planted himself. Luckily the food didn't spill. Gil looked up and saw his fathers shoes, then he looked up further and saw his father standing above him with his hands on his hips, not looking very pleased.

Mayor Shelbourne reached down and yanked his son up by the collar of his sweater. "You know better than to run into the streets WITHOUT looking!!!!!!" Mayor Shelbourne yelled. And what took you so long??? My food is cold! Gil tried to find the words. I umm, I uhh I thought I saw..
Gil couldn't finish. You know what? I don't care. Said mayor Shelbourne. Mayor Shelbourne looked down and noticed Gil's knee was bleeding.

Gil you're such a disappointment.. go to the nurse, and get a bandaid. Yes mayor dad. Gil obeyed, looking sad. He went back inside the school and made his way to the nurse. What the heck did he just see?? He swore that was his father! In wolf form! Then how did he suddenly appear on the other side of the street??? Gil wondered.

Mayor Shelbourne wondered the same thing. Oh no... not this again... mayor Shelbourne knew his wolf side was causing him to lose control. He would transform without even knowing it happened! He had to get this under control! He made his way back to his office. He felt an enormous urge to hunt whatever he could.

Gil walked into the nurse office. Oh dear Gil! Are you having another allergic reaction??? Said the nurse. She looked down and saw Gil bleeding. Oh! That's why your here! Aww poor thing! Come sit down here sweetie! Said the nurse. Okay thank you said Gil. The nurse cleaned Gil's knee and got the first aid spray. This may sting a little sweetie. She said. Gil flinched a little as the first aid spray made contact with his wound. Owww.

The nurse then covered his knee with a bandage. There you go! Now you be careful next time Gil sweetie okay?? I will thank you very much. Here's a bag of ice. The nurse handed him a little ice baggie. Oh thank you. Gil said. He made his way back to his fathers office. He decided he would spend the rest of the school day there. He was worried about his father.

Gil entered his fathers office, to see his father eating his lunch. Hi mayor dad. Said Gil. "Gil my food is cold no thanks to you!!!" Said mayor Shelbourne. I'm sorry mayor dad, I- don't care Gil! Mayor Shelbourne interrupted. In the bucket with you! Mayor Shelbourne pointed to the bucket. Oh noooo mayor dad please! Gil whined. Go into the bucket! Mayor Shelbourne said again. Gil got into the bucket of disappointment. And be quiet! I have paperwork to do! Gil whimpered a little. Great.. he was stuck like this until it was time to go home.

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