Bed time

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It was finally time to go home, Gil was relieved as he was getting tired of sitting in that bucket. Mayor Shelbourne finished up some last minute paper work, and then they headed home. They got home to the mansion. Gil, I expect everything to be clean from top to bottom, after that, get started on dinner. Said Mayor Shelbourne. Yes mayor dad. Gil replied.

Gil watched as his father went upstairs to his bedroom and closed the door. Gil figured he should get started on cleaning. Gil always felt like a little servant son to his father. His obedient little boy that just did anything and everything for his father. He cooked, he cleaned, he ironed, he washed dishes, he made the beds, he mopped, he dusted, he scrubbed the floors, he did the laundry, he polished his fathers shoes, he baked, practically everything a maid would do and more. At times his father made Gil do his own paper work. Though, Gil loved his father so much, he would do absolutely anything for him.


Mayor Shelbourne was in the bathroom and looked at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes appeared to be dilated. That was always the first warning sign of an approaching transformation. He started to breathe heavily trying to calm down. No, he would make sure he kept it under control. Gil was already well aware of his father's werewolf abilities, though mayor Shelbourne knew this would not be a normal transformation.

There was going to be a blue moon tonight.. mayor Shelbourne knew that would cause a much more intense transformation. He decided Gil did not need to know about this. There was no need for his son to be involved. Mayor Shelbourne was already on edge, anything angering him, or irritating him in the slightest could make him lose control on a night like this. As much as his son irritates him to no end, there was no need for Gil to get seriously injured, because couldn't control himself during the transformation.

Gil was also afraid of his father enough as it is, even before he knew about his father's werewolf abilities. There was no need to traumatize him. Although it did sound amusing to mayor Shelbourne. Luckily it wouldn't get dark for a few more hours. After dinner mayor Shelbourne would send Gil straight to bed. Of course he would wonder why his father was making him go to bed so early. This was the only way.

He does not need to be involved. If anything, it would only aggravate him further. Mayor Shelbourne could feel his body tensing up immensely. There was no doubt this would be uncomfortable. Perhaps a glass of wine was in order to take the edge off. Mayor shelbourne went downstairs to have a glass of wine before dinner.

He got a glass and sat down near the fireplace. He watched as Gil cleaned everything from top to bottom. He watched him scrub the floors. Mayor dad, after dinner do you wanna watch some tv? Gil asked softly. No son, after dinner your going to bed. Said mayor Shelbourne firmly. "What? Why??" Asked Gil. "That's so early!" Gil said confused. "I have some adult things I need to take care of Gil." Mayor Shelbourne replied. "What did I do wrong now?" Asked Gil. Was this because I didn't bring your lunch fast enough?? Gil whined.

No Gil. Hush up and finish cleaning so you can get started on dinner. Said mayor Shelbourne. Yes mayor dad, Gil said looking bummed out. He really didn't want to go to bed that early. He couldn't even sleep that early, he just stares at the ceiling bored out of his mind. Maybe he could watch tv in his room if he kept it quiet, Gil thought to himself. Yeah he could just do that instead.

After a while Gil was making dinner. He set it out on the table and the two of them sat down. Gil was a bit stunned on how much his father ate. After they ate, Gil cleaned up and washed the dishes. After that he approached his father again. Mayor dad, I don't want to go to bed yet, it's too early! He said. I can't even sleep when I go to bed at 8! Said Gil. I don't care Gil. Go upstairs and get ready for bed. Said mayor Shelbourne. But may-Gil! Do what I say! Mayor Shelbourne yelled. Gil whimpered a little in response.

He went upstairs and brushed his teeth. Why was he making him go to bed at 8:00?? He hated it when he did that. What was he being punished for?? After he brushed his teeth, he put his pajamas on, and got in bed. Then the next long 3 hours would consist of him staring at the ceiling until he fell asleep at a later hour.

Mayor Shelbourne had his bedroom doors closed. He paced around his bedroom. He could feel it coming. It was dark out now. He knew it wouldn't be long until it begins.. He sat down in his chair and tried to remain calm. He could already feel it coming. He knew there was no turning back now..

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