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Mayor Shelbourne was pacing around in his massive bedroom. Gil sitting nearby. This cannot continue Gil! All of those people saw what happened today!!!! Said mayor Shelbourne. It's okay mayor dad! Don't worry. Said Gil. You heard what they said Gil! They were going to grab pitch forks! They were going to come after me!!!! Mayor Shelbourne yelled. I wouldn't let that happen mayor dad! Gil replied. They would have to get through me first!

Mayor Shelbourne looked at Gil. Really Gil? Your a tiny little thing. What could you possibly do to defend me?! I can mayor dad! Gil said standing up and puffing his chest out, his hands on his hips, trying to make himself look bigger. I will protect you! Gil said. Gil your embarrassing yourself. Your the size of a doll. Said mayor Shelbourne. Oh. Gil said looking down sadly.

Even if they did come after you, with your werewolf abilities they would be no match for you anyway! Said Gil. I know that Gil!!!! That's not that I'm worried about! Mayor Shelbourne replied. Then what are you worried about? Asked Gil. How stupid can you be Gil?!? Isn't it obvious!? Im worried they will see me as unqualified to be mayor! That they will no longer see me as fit to be mayor!

You saw what happened! As soon as my wolf was revealed they all panicked! Said mayor Shelbourne. Mayor dad it's okay! I talked to them remember?? I made them understand! Gil said, but his words fell on deaf ears. Just imagine the questions of the press! This will be all over the newspaper! What are people going to do once they read that their mayor is a werewolf?!? Mayor Shelbourne shouted.

This is going to get around.. said mayor Shelbourne. How am I supposed to do what I do when I'm like this?? And it's all because of the stupid blue moon!!!! What did you do last time there was a blue moon? Asked Gil. That was before you were born Gil. Before I became mayor. Mayor Shelbourne replied. It took forever to get back under control! I'm a busy man Gil! I can't have this getting in the way of things!

Mayor Shelbourne was quite large as a werewolf so Gil had to stand on a stepping stool just to be able to look at him while they talk. Mayor dad remember we got that bigger suit! That way when you transform it won't rip! It's going to be okay dad! We will get through this together! Said Gil. If you transform in public again, the suit will cover up your body. Said Gil. Oh yeah? What about my face?? My head?? My teeth?? My claws??? Said mayor Shelbourne. Don't worry they already saw what happened! Said Gil. They already know!

Exactly! Mayor shelbourne shouted. Gil looked at his father. He could see his fur had some gray in it. All of this must be aging him a bit. He was approaching his 50's after all. Middle aged. Gil thought he heard his father's stomach growling. I bet your hungry, let me go get dinner started! Said Gil. Cmon mayor dad! They two of them went downstairs. Gil got started on a large dinner for his father. He had much bigger appetite as a werewolf.

Gil made sure to include lots of meat to satisfy his fathers never ending hunger. After that they are at the table. Gil watched as his father ate loads and loads of food. And quickly too. He ate pounds and pounds of meat. He was eating, well, like an animal! Gil had seen him eat like this before, but not to this extent, or this fast. After dinner Gil cleaned up while mayor Shelbourne poured a glass of wine and went back to his bedroom.

Gil was definitely concerned. Gil knew the more his father was stressed out, the more likely he was to lose control. He just hoped he could do everything he could to help his father remain calm, and that was a big enough challenge already! It was definitely not an easy task. Gil knew his father would need to try and control his emotions. With a man as stubborn as his father though, how?

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