The reveal

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Gil woke up the next morning and already got breakfast made for his father, he brought it upstairs. He was still in bed. Gil set the tray of food on the bed. Good morning mayor dad, said Gil. Oh.... Uh oh.. Gil noticed his father was still in his wolf form.. mayor Shelbourne opened his tired eyes. His body ached from what occurred last night. He let out a low growl. He sat up in bed and stretched.

What? He asked as Gil was staring at him. Mayor Shelbourne got out of bed and went to the bathroom and looked at his reflection.. oh my.. he was still in his wolf form?? It usually went away when morning came! What the?!?! Gil ran to the bathroom after his father. Gil!!!! What is this??? What is going on?!? Why have I not changed back??? Asked Mayor Shelbourne in a panic. I don't know! I don't know!!! Said Gil in a panic.

Mayor Shelbourne turned from the mirror and faced his son. What am I supposed to do Gil?! I'm a very busy mayor! I've got meetings to attend! I've got responsibilities, expectations, and work! I can't go out looking like this Gil! Mayor Shelbourne shouted. I'm too big like this for my normal suits! Gil thought for a minute. Wait mayor dad! You can still go out! Oh really??? Mayor Shelbourne said. How do you suggest we do that Gil??? Go out into the town with me looking like a WOLF??!? Mayor Shelbourne yelled.

I have an idea! We can go shopping for a bigger suit! For whenever you transform! Gil! Hush!!! I'm thinking. Mayor Shelbourne scolded. Yes father.. said Gil quietly. I have an idea! Said mayor Shelbourne, what?? Asked Gil. We could go shopping for a larger suit! Said mayor Shelbourne. That's a great idea! Said Gil. Though how are we gonna do that with me looking like this?!? Mayor Shelbourne shouted. Mayor dad it's okay! Remember to stay calm. Go to your happy place.. said Gil.

You mean my money vault?? Asked mayor Shelbourne. Yes! Gil replied. Just close your eyes, and picture yourself in the money vault full of gold.. all the expensive things you want, and endless amount of money.. said Gil. Yes....I think it's working, said mayor Shelbourne. Finally he became human again. You did it mayor dad!!! Mayor Shelbourne looked in the mirror and saw his human self.

Yes.. Gil! We're going shopping! Fetch me my clothes! Okay! Mayor Shelbourne got dressed and brushed his teeth. Cmon mayor dad I made you breakfast. Said Gil. They ate breakfast and headed out into town. Now remember mayor dad, try to keep your emotions in check, we've done this many times before, I know right now it's a little more difficult, due to there being a blue moon last night, but I believe in you dad!!! Said Gil.

Mayor Shelbourne and Gil went into a suit store. Gil gathered some suits that were large enough to accommodate his fathers werewolf side. Mayor Shelbourne tried some on. Then finally mayor Shelbourne came out of the changing stall in a classy black suit. Gil looked up at his father with eyes of wonder and admiration. Oh! It's perfect mayor dad! It's elegant, and classy perfect for my father mayor! Said Gil.

Mayor Shelbourne decided that will be the one. They checked out at the front, and then they went on with they're day. Mayor Shelbourne had a short town gathering to be at soon. They made their way there. Mayor Shelbourne walked up on the stage and began making all his usual announcements. He was starting to get hungry no doubt. He suddenly felt very hungry. It was very hard to keep up with his appetite as a werewolf, and sometimes he could feel it as a human.

Mayor Shelbourne could feel his wolf threatening to show. He tried hard to keep it in. No he could not let it happen here of all places! Out in public! His body tensed up and he gritted his teeth. He tried so hard to keep it in. Why wasn't it working?? No!!! Not here! Not now! Mayor Shelbourne cried out, but it was too late. There was no stopping it now. The crowd gasped as mayor Shelbourne began to howl uncontrollably while his body nearly tripled in size! his bones making horrible popping sounds as they got bigger.

His fur grows all over his body, his claws and fangs were big too. Gil was standing on the stage nearby his father and watched in shock! His father was even bigger then usual!!! Mayor Shelbourne's suit began to tear, until it was torn all over. If only he had worn his new suit out! Mayor Shelbourne let out more scary howls. AROOOOOOOOOOOO! The crowd started screaming and everyone began to panic. Everyone was afraid of mayor Shelbourne. It's the big bad wolf! Someone cried out.

Flint and Sam and Brent were in the crowd too. Although they have already seen this happen before, they did not expect it to happen right there in front of everyone. Mayor Shelbourne was mortified as he realized what just happened. He looked down at his claws. He ran back behind the curtains of the stage to hide. Gil took over on the stage and spoke into the microphone.

Everyone please calm down! Gil said as the crowd was still panicking and running wild. Let's grab some pitch forks! Someone yelled out. NO!!!!! Gil cried out. Gil began to get irritated after hearing them make threats to his father. Even though Gil knew they would be no match for him anyway. Everyone BE QUIET! Gil ordered. Everyone finally calmed down and listened to Gil speak on his fathers behalf.

Now, Gil spoke. If I could please have your attention. There will be no pitch forks! No rioting! No threats! No violence towards my father or so help me! Said Gil. Flint, Sam, and Brent, we're shocked. Never had they seen Gil this irritated with people before. As the the son the mayor, I must inform you all that my father has an uncontrollable condition where he looks scary sometimes.

He will not hurt anyone. There is no need to be scared. Said Gil. Even if you tried to attack him, trust me you would be no match for him when he's like this. Said Gil. And we will sue you as well. It will not end well for any of you if you do so don't even try. He is still a human being! Said Gil. He can't help what he is! He is still our leader, and mayor. He is still the one who runs the town, and is still the boss around here, and he is my father! Please!!! Show some respect!!! Gil pleaded with the crowd.

The crowd slowly began to clap after Gil's speech. Mayor Shelbourne was still hiding behind the curtains and was listening to everything his son was saying. He couldn't believe it. It actually worked. Thankyou everyone. Gil said into the microphone and then stepped down. Mayor Shelbourne came out from behind the curtains and looked at his son in disbelief. Thank you son... said Mayor Shelbourne. Let's go home now. Said mayor Shelbourne. They headed home. Though, Gil still worried. Was his father starting to lose control of the wolf inside him?

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