The pain

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Mayor Shelbourne felt awful pain in his whole body. He felt his entire body jolt. It was happening. The blue moon was out. Mayor Shelbourne tried to be quiet but he yelped out in pain. He felt as though his bones were being pulled apart. He cried out in pain. He tried to be quiet and not wake Gil. He couldn't help it.

Long black nails grew out of his claws. Fur grew all over his body, he doubled in since. His teeth sharpened into fangs. He let out a long howl. He couldn't take the pain. He was afraid, and wanted someone with him. He crawled in pain on all fours down the hall way. Gil! He cried out. Help! Gil! Gil immediately jerked up from his bed. He he got out of bed and ran to his father in the hallway.

Mayor dad?? What happened?? What's wrong??? Gil ran to his father, who was in werewolf form. Gil hugged hugged him tightly. He looked up and could see tears in his fathers eyes. Gil wiped the tears from his father's furry face. Mayor dad, let me get you back in bed! Said Gil. No.. mayor Shelbourne said with a shaky voice. This was very unlike him, Gil thought.

Gil looked at his father, he could see the pain in his face, Gil was extremely worried for his father. Mayor dad.. Gil said softly. I..I don't want to be alone.. said mayor Shelbourne. Gil was shocked. His father never liked being around him. It took a lot of strength, but Gil managed to lift his father and carry him to his own bed. His father could sleep in bed with him. Mayor Shelbourne was in a lot pain. Gil set him down on his bed.

It was difficult for Gil to lift him considering how much bigger his father was than him. Gil climbed into bed as well. He watched as his father curled up a little. Gil placed a hand on his fur. He rubbed his head a little. Mayor Shelbourne was too exhausted to even shove Gil's hand away. He didn't want to be alone. He was scared.

Gil tried his best to calm him down. He pulled up the covers over them both to keep them warm. Gil could suddenly feel his father was shaking. Oh mayor dad.. it's okay. Gil said softly. He hugged his shaking father close. Mayor Shelbourne was so overwhelmed his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

Gil grabbed the glass of water by his bed and held it to his fathers face. Here mayor dad drink water. Mayor shelbourne hesitated for a moment, then he gave in and drank the water. After that he  tried to go to sleep. Thank goodness it was the weekend tomorrow. Hopefully his father would be better by then. So this was why he made him go to bed so early. He didn't want him to see him like this. In all this pain, though it killed Gil to see his old pop in so much pain.

Gil even thought he saw gray in his fathers fur. This must be aging him a bit. All this stress. Not only did his father have a lot of responsibilities, being the mayor of the town, and the principal at school, but having to deal with this on top of all of that. Gil knew, he would do whatever he had to  do to make his fathers life easier. Of course that was nothing new, he does that anyways. In fact, Gil does way more then he does. And Gil was afraid of his father too, but he loved him more then he feared him. That was for sure, but little did Gil know, this was only the beginning of what was going to happen..

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