Chapter 13

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TW: they fight again - Louis gets a bit more aggressive. Stop reading if it's triggering pls <3


A week later

Harry wrinkles his nose as he raises his head from the toilet. 

"This sucks," he mutters to no one. Darcy's at daycare and Louis's at work. Harry had called out sick that morning when he hadn't been able to leave the washroom for more than ten minutes from puking so badly. 

Sighing, he leans against the wall and pulls out his phone. 

"Hey bestie," Ella answers after a few rings. "You good?"

"It's like the baby wants me to feel constantly nauseous," Harry grumbles. 

"Oh, morning sickness again?" Ella asks sympathetically.

"More like all-day sickness," Harry complains. "It hasn't stopped and it's past noon. I feel awful."

There's a pause and then, "I'm coming over."

"What?" Harry sits up a little. 

"Trust me, Haz, I'll be there in ten minutes."

Harry sighs. "Okay fine. See you soon."

"Love ya, babe, bye!"

Ten minutes later, Harry opens the front door to see Ella with a tote bag slung over her shoulder.

"Come upstairs," she orders. 

Harry rolls his eyes fondly and follows her into his bedroom. She sets the bag down on the floor and flops onto Louis's side of the bed. "Join me."

He does, lying down next to her and snuggling into the pillows. Ella leans over the bed to rummage around in her tote bag until she finds what she wants. 

"Here," she says, holding up two big bars of chocolate. "Take one, it'll make you feel better."

Harry raises his eyebrows as he takes one of the chocolate bars, watching as she opens the other and takes a big bite. 

"What's up with you?" he asks. "You're acting like you're pregnant as well."

"I'm not pregnant," Ella tells him. "Quite the opposite, actually. I just got my period back today, so I'm dying."

"Oh, that's awful," Harry cringes. 

"It's okay," Ella says, rolling onto her side and looking up at him. "We can suffer together."

"Perfect," Harry mumbles, eating a bit of his chocolate bar and sighing. The milky chocolate melts against his tongue and it tastes amazing.

"I think I might have been craving chocolate without even realizing it," he moans, taking another bite. "How'd you know?"

"One always craves chocolate when one is pregnant," Ella says, waving her hand vaguely. "That's just a fact."

"I'd argue one always craves chocolate even when one is not pregnant," Harry says, closing his eyes and snuggling into the pillows. 

"Yes," Ella agrees. "Chocolate is good for the mind, body, and soul."

Harry nods and giggles a little. "It truly is."

Unfortunately, that's when he's hit with another wave of nausea, and he sits up quickly, running into the washroom to empty his stomach into the toilet. Ella follows him and strokes his hair out of his face until he's finished.

"I don't even know how I have anything left to throw up," Harry groans. "I've been doing it all day."

"I'm sorry, love," Ella says, frowning slightly. "But it's all gonna be worth it once you have that baby in your arms, yeah?"

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