Chapter 7

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"Gemma!" Harry calls, closer to the woman now.

And this time, she hears him and turns around.

Harry stops where he is as soon as their eyes meet. Hers widen as she recognizes him. They're green, and look so much like Harry's.

"Gemma?" Harry asks again, quieter this time.

"Harry?" she whispers, shock written completely over her face. 

Harry gasps a little, covering his mouth with his hand, feeling tears build in his eyes. "Gem."

"Haz. Is it really you?" Gemma asks, staring at him. 

Harry nods, stepping closer to her. "It's me."

"God, Harry how-"

She doesn't get to finish, for at that moment, Harry tackles her in a hug, which she immediately reciprocates. They embrace for what feels like forever, clinging onto each other as if their lives depend on it. 

Gemma pulls away first, leaning back to study Harry's face. She brushes loose strands of hair out of his eyes and cups his chin with her hand. "God, H, you're so grown up. Look at you."

"You look so beautiful," Harry tells his sister, voice shaky with tears. 

"I missed you so much, baby brother," Gemma says, pulling Harry into another hug. "I thought you were dead."

"Me too," Harry says. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"I..." Gemma starts, but her eyes catch on something behind Harry. Or someone, more accurately. 

"Louis?" She asks, releasing Harry and walking towards him. 

"Hi Gemma," Louis grins, holding open his arms. 

"You're alive too?"

"I am," Louis says. "Despite the Purge's best efforts."

Gemma smiles even wider and closes the gap between them, hugging Louis tightly. He hugs her back, smiling against her shoulder. 

"It's good to see you again, Gem," he says when they part. 

"Are you still with Harry?" She asks, ignoring him.

He nods. "Yeah, I am. And actually..." he holds up his left hand, where his wedding band shines on his finger, "I'm your brother-in-law now too."

"What?!" Gemma nearly shrieks. "You're married?!"

Harry grins and nods, taking Louis's hand. "We are. Got married two years ago."

"Yes!" Gemma cries. "I knew it! I told Mum you two would get married someday. She didn't believe me; said you were too young for us to be predicting things like that."

"You were right," Harry says. 

"Oh my God," Gemma grins. "I bet we've got so much to catch up on. Are you doing anything the rest of the night?"

Harry shakes his head. "We were gonna head home, but that can wait."

"Wanna come up to my flat?" Gemma asks. "It's just at the end of this block. We can sit down, have some tea, and talk. I wanna hear everything about your life since I saw you last."

"Same to you," Harry says. "We'd love to go with you."

"Great!" Gemma smiles. "Follow me, then."


"This is your place?" Harry asks, looking around the flat. It's small, yet cozy, decorated in a very minimalistic style.

"Yeah," Gemma smiles. "I mean, I share it with my boyfriend, but he's on a business trip, so it's all mine for the week."

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