Chapter 3 - A Light in the Dark

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"my fuckin head.."

Paddy awoke, his head pounding and felt grass on the back of his body.

"what the fuck happened here?"

As he looked around, these goblins were all downed on the ground, just like him. He rubbed his eyes to see if he was dreaming before his death, but he didn't awake in a cave or anything. He was still alive. The nice green grass had been painted a murky red from all the blood from the goblins.

"well atleast that's over- now what the fuck?"

As he tried to push himself off of the ground, his hand made contact with something. As he looked beside him, he saw what looked to be a ceramic black lamp.

"why the fuck is there a lamp here? that nigga lamp i was supposed to get? its about time."

While he collected himself off the ground with the new found lamp, he heard some voices behind him.

"Traveller, you have taken back our village from these foul creatures. We would like to thank you for all your hard work, how did you manage to defeat them all with no equipment?"

He had no clue at all, but why not lie about it. Not like it's going to hurt anyone, right?

"oh sure i had this knife.. er dagger thingy. they just kept running and i just kept stabbing honestly."

"Hmmm... right then, would you like to stay for a while? We might have some food left over if we take a look."

Paddy would take the free food, but he wasn't hungry yet... well, he was, but he would like to get his money first of all.

"no, its grand but thanks anyways, do i need to take a picture for proof or will they hear about it?"

"Pic... ture..? No, no, no sir, just take a few goblin ears, and place them into a pouch. Give that to the guild and they'll know, not like you can forge those, right? Haha"

Paddy sighed.

"...ok, now which one of yous would have a pouch?"

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