Chapter 4

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“Uh… cough…”

Jiwoo opened her eyes with difficulty.

She didn’t know where this was. She fell from a cliff, so she must be down the base of the mountain. But it was dark everywhere.

The rain had already stopped, but she felt chills all over her body, probably because she had been soaked by the rain for a long time.

‘I didn’t die even though I fell down the cliff…’

She raised her hand and clenched her fist.

There were scratches from branches and stones, but she did not appear to be seriously injured.

It seemed that she did not die easily because she was the Akarna.


However, she was weighed down by a large tree. She groaned and barely pulled her legs out to get up, but she almost fell down right away. It was difficult to stand still because her ankle was injured. Even the ground was soggy from the rain.

She was the only one who fell down the cliff, so if she waited here, the escort knight who had lost track of her would come to the rescue.

As she was thinking whether to wait here.

Rustle, rustle. Shhhk.

There was an eerie sound.

It wasn’t the sound of leaves being trampled on, nor was it the sound of the wind sweeping through the leaves.

A dark shadow was roaming in the forest. She had a hunch. It wasn’t a wild animal

‘Is it a beast?’

The carriage was heading far from the castle, and the more it moved, the closer it was to the miasma-trodden land where the beasts appeared.

She was about to arrive, so she could have met the beasts. The beast didn’t come closer to where she was, but it was terrifying to see that she was being watched by something she couldn’t see.

Drip, drip drip.

How unlucky. Besides that, raindrops started to fall again.

If she stayed up all night in the rain here, she would surely die this time. It would be better to find a cave, or at least a place where she wouldn’t get soaked to the bone.

‘It was going to be like this, I shouldn’t have let go for no reason…’

It was a very impulsive decision.

Regrets already started creeping in. Even so, she might not have acted differently if she went back to that situation.

‘Thank God. I found one…’

After walking for a while, she finally found a place to shelter from the rain.

It wasn’t a stone cave, but it was a large hollow space created by strangely curved tree roots. It was wide enough to hide the body.

Even if she waited for rescue, it was difficult to expect until this late.

She was not even in the rainforest. It would be better to avoid the rain and wait for the sun to rise, so Jiwoo moved further inside the hollow space.

But after walking for a while, Jiwoo suddenly stopped. It was because there was someone else deep under the root of the tree.

She gulped down her dry throat.

ㅡThese races don’t even want to believe in divine power, and the alchemists on the outer wall think that it’s blasphemy to use divine power.

They looked different from humans, had different views and values, and above all, were hostile to humans.

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