Chapter 30

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Jiwoo was left speechless as she swallowed a gulp.

She thought his chest in all its muscular glory was very big when she touched it through thin clothes, but when she looked at it completely bare, it was all the more so. It made her wonder how he could hide it without it popping out or tearing his thin clothes.

Although he was muscular, the muscles were not so clearly toned. It wasn’t a trained muscle like the hunter Lanceil, but they were nonetheless nice looking muscles. However, the reason why Callan looked so huge was probably because of his body size itself.

Callandein’s body felt a bit out of sync with his face.

In fact, from the first time she saw him, his first impression was not bad. Compared to other people who exuded a lot of hostility, Callan was good at hiding those negative emotions.

He spoke politely to an unfamiliar outsider, and his voice was also soft. The honey-colored, fine-grained blonde hair and slightly downward drooping eyebrows added such a friendly atmosphere to him. His personality and impression are as sweet and delicate as a teacher.

Yet his body frame was of a warrior on the battlefield.

“Seo Jiwoo.”

When Callan looked at her and smiled brightly, Jiwoo realized that she was staring at him, rendered completely speechless.

“Firstly, I think my appearance passed. Would you like to touch it?”

“N, no! Wait!”

Jiwoo, who lost her mind momentarily, hurriedly retreated to the edge of the bed.

Callan was as far away as she could sit, but he could easily narrow the distance. As far as the distance from which Jiwoo had retreated, he approached again, maintaining a distance of just one span in, making him able to cover her whenever he wanted.

“You’re just suddenly talking about marriage. Isn’t marriage supposed to be with the one you love?”


Callan tilted his head.

“What is love?”

He wasn’t asking the meaning of the word itself. Callan’s words were closer to asking what love meant for Jiwoo.

Love? Love was a dry and wretched emotion that finally pushed Jiwoo off the cliff.

As Jiwoo couldn’t answer easily, Callan took the lead instead.

“Five years of dedication, sacrifice, and looking at only one person?”

That was what Jiwoo sacrificed for the Crown Prince. Callan touched on the story Jiwoo had just told him.

“If that’s the case, I can do it too.”

“It’s not just… that.”

“Not what?”


“Did the person you said you loved marry someone else? So, what he did, was it love?”

Jiwoo, who loved as much as she could and was broken by love, did not know more about love than Callan, who seemed to have never loved in his life. It was not an easy matter to talk about.

“Actually, you don’t know, right? Because you are tired.”

Because it was love that left Jiwoo with only fear in the end.

“Now that you are tired of loving, don’t you just want to receive love?”

But you don’t love me. Those words were right at the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t say it out loud. How can a person who has failed in love and is ready to die can define love?

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