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Lindas' sultry voice pulled me out of my chain of thoughts. Today was just like every other day. boring and sad. Who knew breakup could mess someone up like this? Shaking my head to avoid a relapse into the dark memory lane, I looked up at linda. She had a huge grin on her face. I sincerely wonder how she pulls that off; she always seemed to be happy. 

"Al, guess who I am going out with today? Linda squealed almost jumping.

"I don't know Linda. You go out with someone new every week" I replied in a bored  tone

"Alicia!!" Linda screamed

Now I was surprised. Alicia has been her crush like forever but they were two polar opposites. Alicia was a model with actually a body to kill while Linda, no offence, is beautiful but not as beautiful as alicia. Alicia's family was rich while Linda and I worked in a grocery store and earned a bare minimum to keep us alive. So, I wasn't wrong to be surprised.

"Wow" was all I could come up with.

"Ain't you happy for me girl?" Linda said feigning annoyance

"I'm happy for you Lind. At least one of us is getting laid tonight" I said in a weak effort at humor.

"Al, you can't keep living like this yuuno. It's been six months since Sophia broke up with you. you have to move on" Linda said reaching to hold my hand across the counter. She wasn't my bestfriend but she was the closest thing I had to a sister. Although she was careless and outgoing, I was more of an introverted type and yet we still matched. She brought me out of my shell. A shell that Sophia pushed me back in so deep I doubted if I would ever be able to get out again.

"I have moved on Lind" I said forcing a smile.

"Then you need to have sex, baby girl" Linda said laughing

"I will Lind" I said putting my face back into the magazine I was reading signalling the end of the conversation.

"My shift will be over in an hour, then Sophia would take over, hope you will be fine?" Linda asked moving to her cubicle at the far end of the store. Even after six months of my breakup, she always felt the need to ask me if I would be okay with being with my ex alone for two hours in the store. I appreciated her concern alot. At first, I won't lie, it was hard but I got used to it. Besides, we were never alone. Sophia always brought in her new catches to the store. At first, I couldn't figure out if it was to taunt me or just habit. but I got used to it, eventually.

One hour later, Linda was out of the store faster than the wind. I guess, to get prepared for her date. I was jealous. She was always lucky when it comes to love or should I say flings and hookups. She had someone new every week and at first I was intrigued and interested but after a while, I stopped paying attention. 

Just as expected, Sophia walked into the store to start her shift with a new one in her arms. a stud this time. She only spared me a glance and a small wave before she moved to the cubicle Linda just vacated. 

This was the reason I couldn't heal after my breakup. I worked with my ex in the same store. We had met in the store and I could swear it was love at first sight. At least for me it was. To Sophia I'm sure it was lust at first sight. We began dating a week after i got the job. At first everything was rosey. We were together all the time. I even volunteered to do extra shifts just to be with her. The sex was good. Who am i kidding? The sex was great. Sophia was a god in bed. An adventurous one at that. And we had sex everywhere. Literally everywhere. At the store, in the taxi on the way home, on the lawn, in the garage, on the sofa, even the neighbours backyard. Sophia had a mad sex drive and she always gets what she wants. She wants to be fucked on the street, you had no right to say No.

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