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Two weeks in London and I almost had everything figured out. My cousin got me a job in a bank as an accountant and my salary is quite healthy. I didn't realize how big my cousin lived until I got to Camden. Her house smelt of good living the minute I stepped in. I envied how much she had achieved at just 25. Thank God she even let me stay at her place. I didn't meet or hear from Rachel but I wasn't bothered much. If we were meant to meet again, the universe knew a way to make that happen. I spoke to Linda and Joe always. Linda was married to her girlfriend whose name I found out to be Kayla. Joe, still single had Sophia to deal with so his plate was pretty full. I was happier, healthier and calmer. Experience being my most cruel teacher, has taught me to take things slow and let them work out for themselves and that was what I was doing. Jean called to check up on me always even against my wish. I was older than her so I should be the one doing the calling. Her fiancé came around often to check on me (He said) but I felt like he was checking up on the house. With my work schedule not too tight, I had the chance to hit the gym often and even go out often. I was having so much me time and it felt hella peaceful.


Saturday. Usually my work free day. I took the opportunity to drive to the mall and grab myself anything I needed. The place was packed today as it was the weekend and a lot of people had today free. I grabbed a basket and proceeded to the cereal racks. I had a weakness for cereal. I could eat a full box in a sitting. And London had a lot of cool taste varieties. I grabbed 5 different flavors I was pretty sure I had never tasted. I grabbed cartons of milk too, some meat, bread and canned foods too. I grabbed some toiletries too and I was ready to go. I carried my heavy basket to the counter to get it checked and paid for. The girl on the counter was tiny and looked too young to be doing this kind of work but she had a smile plastered on her face. Looked like she wanted people to believe she was a good fit for the job. As she bagged my items, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned and was surprised to see Rachel. She also had a basket similar to the one I had earlier. She was smiling and I smiled back.

"Rachel" I said

"Hi, Al" she replied still smiling. She looked more beautiful than the last time I saw her and had styled her hair very differently.

"Longest time" I said

"Yeah, how have you been?"

"Good, London is like the place I should have been a long time ago" I said laughing. She laughed too.

"Yeah, right. While you've been having it easy, I have been working my ass off"

"Your ass looks pretty okay to me" I said causing her to blush.

"I don't think I was talking about-... you know what, never mind" She said looking everywhere but my face.

"Do you stay around here?" I asked changing to topic before she melted.

"Not too close though, just a few minutes' drive, you?"

"I stay at my cousin's place which is like three blocks off"


The counter girl called me to announce that she was done with my stuff. I gave her my card and after that was done. I carried my bags and was ready to leave. I turned and Rachel was the next in line. She gave a small wave but I could see some sadness in her eyes. I waved back giving her a small smile and took the bags to the car. I wanted to drive out but somehow, I stayed. I wanted to see her leave. One more time. she came out of the shop few minutes later. She had two bags and I don't think she noticed that I was still around. She picked up her phone and looked like she was having difficulty calling whoever she was trying to call. After some attempt, she cursed loudly obviously frustrated. Even as angry she was, she still looked cute. I pressed on the honk of my car drawing her attention. Immediately she saw me, I saw relieve wash over her and she smiled.

"Need a lift?" I asked. She nodded in response. I got out of the car and helped her carry the bags to trunk of the car. I opened the car for her to get in and then got in myself. After some minutes of small talk and directing me to her house, we drove into her garage.

"Thanks for the ride" Rachel said smiling

"Thanks for coming with me" I said making her blush again

"Wanna come in?" She asked looking hopeful

"Maybe another time" I said and watched her face fall.

"I'm just kidding" I said. Her face lit up like a child that was just given candy. I laughed as she hit my hand playfully. I winced in fake pain making her giggle. We got down from the car and I helped her carry her bags inside. 


I decided to end it here for now. Thank you for following and reading. I really appreciate. I hope that at some point I made you smile. Please whenever you read this story , don't hesitate to comment, vote and follow me. Thanks and God bless you.

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