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Weeks turned into months and I was better. All thanks to my missing angel. I missed her. I wanted to see that smile again. I wanted to see that body again. Each time the doorbell rang I secretly wished Rachel was at the door. I visited the pub often wishing she would show up. I wasn't lucky with that either. But I wasn't sad. She gave me hope that love was possible again. Deep down I knew we would meet again and then I wouldn't be so stupid as to forget her number. As for Sophia, I had totally moved on from her bullshit. We didn't talk either because of the drama the last time we met. I had apologized though but she still wouldn't talk to me. I was cool with that. Linda had moved to Seattle to handle her Uncles business. The manager of the store employed a new guy, Joe. We hit it off immediately. He was just like Linda but a male version. Super-hot and always smiling. Just few weeks and the shop was crawling with girls all wanting a piece of his "meat". He was super nice to talk to and we hung out a lot. Sophia wasn't a big fan though. She kicked against his employment but he was just lucky. Sophia wasn't subtle in showing her dislike. She tried to sabotage him severally but that guy was hella lucky because he was never caught in any of her trap. Our bond seemed to piss her off the more.

"Do you think Sophia would ever give up on tormenting me?" Joe asked as we sat down to have lunch at one of the cafes around the store.

"If she could relentlessly make six months a living hell for me, I doubt if she would let you be after just two months" I said biting into the doughnut.

"But seriously, I am surprised you dated that girl. She's crazy. You guys are like polar opposites" Joe said in between mouthfuls

"She was not always like this you know, I don't know what happened"

"Did you love her?"

"Joe seriously, I don't want to be talking about my ex with you"

"come on Alice, what are friends for?"

"I don't kiss and tell Joe" I replied laughing

The café was half full with people on their lunch break. Lovers, students and everyone else who needed their caffeine refill. A couple caught my eye. They were standing in the line waiting for their turn. They had their hands entwined together and the stud would occasionally whisper something to her girlfriend's ear and she would laugh. Then she would peck her cheek making her laugh even louder. It made me think of Rachel. Would we have been this close? Would we have waited in long queues for coffee and distract ourselves by whispering sweet nothings in each other's ear? If only I had collected that damned number. Sometimes I felt like Rachel doesn't even exist. Maybe she was just a fragment of my wishful thoughts. How could she disappear just like that? Only a miracle can bring her to me again.

"......Hello?" Joe called waving his hands in my face drawing me out of my imagination. "where's your mind at, I was calling you for over two minutes now"

"Nowhere Joe, are you done? Can we go now? Our lunch break is most definitely over" I said standing up and grabbing my wallet.

"oh, I was done like two minutes ago" Joe said sarcasm livid in his words.

I laughed nudging him by the shoulder. He playfully chased me to the door. In my haste, I bumped into someone entering the café spilling the contents of her purse on the floor.

"I'm so sorry" I gushed bending to pick the items on the floor.

"it's ok, I......." The person I bumped into said.

I recognized that voice. I have been thinking about that voice for three months now. Slept while it rang in my mind. That cologne, I have perceived it before. I slowly brought up my face to look at her. There she was. Still as beautiful as she was that night. Her blue eyes pierced into my soul that instant and filled my gaping heart. Miracles do happen after all. Rachel had a black blouse on over a red skirt. She looked so formal, so sophisticated. Her hair was neatly pulled behind in a ponytail. She was lightly made up but she looked like a princess nonetheless. The air seemed to freeze and just like the first time all the noise in the room disappeared. My heartbeat, the only sound I could hear. She smiled. That smile. I could cry right now. I don't go to church but I'm making an exception next Sunday because it can only be God who did this.

Lost In Her SmileWhere stories live. Discover now