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After dropping her off that morning, although I didn't want to spend even a second away from her, I was overjoyed. I wasn't sure she felt the way I was feeling but there wouldn't be any harm to try. I called Joe and begged him to cover my shift for the day with a promise I would give him the story in details when I report to work tomorrow. I needed the whole day to perfect what I had planned for the evening. I was going to ask Rachel to be my girlfriend. I didn't know what next after she had accepted but I was hoping we would cross the bridge when we get there. And what if she said no? I still didn't know what next but I was going to be positive and hope for the best. I drove to the mall and purchased a picnic basket, a bottle of champagne and two glasses and other little things I felt was necessary. I went to the florist shop and purchased a small vase of rose flowers. I drove home to grab the rest of the things I needed and headed to the best view in the whole city. It was a small mountain that over looked the city. I often came here whenever I wanted to be alone but tonight it was going to be the venue of my happiness. The view at night was breathtaking which is why I chose it. Maybe after she had said yes, we would star gaze and maybe even have cool sex under the moon. Just the thought was making me giddy with excitement. When I got there, I found the best spot and began unpacking the stuff I brought from the car. When everything was out, I hid them in a big crevice almost like a cave in the mountain, in case someone decided to drop by before my date. I drove back into town to get the food ready and get myself ready. I went home and had lunch before going over to get food from the restaurant we were at last night.

"Hey Al" Stephanie greeted as

"Hey Steph, how are you doing?" I asked

"I'm good. How was your night?" Stephanie said winking at me with a sly smile on her face causing me to blush.

"It was great" I replied awkwardly

"Your girlfriend is really pretty"

"she's not my girlfriend"

"Really? I could have sworn from the way you were both glued on each other last night. She looks pretty into you"

"You think?" I asked needing someone to reassure me I wasn't making a grave mistake.

"Yeah man, she couldn't stop staring at you and blushing. So, when are you going to pop the question?"


"Ohh, that's lovely. So, are you here for a reservation?" she said smiling

"No, not really. I am planning a picnic kind of date"

"Awwwwnnnn, that's so romantic. I am dying to be in her shoes right now" Steph said while I laughed awkwardly.

"Thanks. The reason I'm here is because I need food for the picnic"

"Okay, select what you want for the menu and I will have them packed for you"

I scanned though the menu, selecting everything I thought was necessary and paid. While I sat waiting for the food to be ready, I dialed Linda's number.

"Hey Al" came Linda's voice from the phone. She sounded like she just ran a mile.

"Hey Lind watsup, are you okay?"

"Yes.... I am Al. I'm a little busy right.... now. Tell me why you called"

"I have news for you"

"Girl, I am in the middle of hot sex and I was just about to cum.... Before your call came in.... so please be quick about...... fuck.... take it easy baby.... Be quick about it goddamit"

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