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"......and that was all that happened" I said. I picked up my fruit cocktail and sucked into the straw. Linda was seated across me with her eyes and ears so wide open, it was creepy. She hadn't even taken a sip from her drink.

"You need to ask her out" She finally said.

"I can't"

"Alice Bernadette Williams, What do mean you can't?" 

Whenever Linda called me by my full name, I knew she was pissed.

"Hey, calm down. The issue is......"

"What the fuck is the matter? I hope you are not about to mention Sophia's goddamn name because I would stand up right now and you won't be able to reach me ever again" Linda fumed

"As a matter of fact, call her right now and ask her to grab dinner with you tonight" She added

"That's the issue. I didn't get her number"

"WHAT!!!!!!!?????, I give up on you" Linda said as she threw her hands in the air before reaching for her drink and taking a big gulp.

"I think imma need a stronger drink" She added.

She looked like she would have a seizure soon. It was so funny, I couldn't stop myself from giggling. 

"You think this is funny? First you have sex with a hot girl and the next morning you pretend like nothing happened, you don't say anything about it and then you forget to get her number, JESUS CHRIST Alice, that's like two crimes punishable by hanging" said Linda getting red in the face.

"Calm down Lind, I will probably go back to the bar tonight and maybe the bartender would give me her number. They seemed pretty close"

"They better be Al, they better be"

"You had better go and cut your hair, you look like Justin Bieber on Gorilla mode" Linda added laughing. I laughed too. I was happy she was in a better mood. We were seated at favorite coffee/beverage shop. Saturday was always uneventful for us. We just hang out together a bit and then head back home for the rest of the day. We finished our drinks and decided to go for our different engagements for the day. While Linda had a lunch date with a hottie that she met this morning, I had to go get a haircut. I didn't know if I would meet Rachel again but I wouldn't want her to see me looking homeless. My barber was just a few blocks away so I decided to take a walk to clear my head. I couldn't get Rachel off my head. Her smile, her voice, her pus**. I wanted to see her again. I knew I had to meet her again. During the short time we were together, I felt more alive than I have ever felt in my life. Even though we didn't say much, I could see the hunger in her eyes too. It was almost like she felt the way I was feeling too. Seeing her in my bed, in my kitchen, made me think about how nice it would be to love and be loved again. She opened up that part of me I thought was dead. The beeping of my phone in my pocket pulled me back from my thoughts to reality. I pulled it out of my jeans pocket, swiped it open to see the notification. It was a picture of Sophia from Instagram. It was a mirror picture of her in a black dress. And she tagged me. Instead of feeling sad this time, I was angry. She couldn't keep messing with me like this. I clicked on her profile and blocked her. I made sure to block her on all other social media platforms too. I was done. Done feeling sad and guilty all the time. Why was she the one who moved on and I was stuck at a place, I mean, Come on!!!, She fucked another stud right on the day she broke up with me. Sophia was a mean little brat and I was done being her puppet. wow. Linda was right. Maybe sex with a hot girl was all I needed after all. My anger fueling me to walk faster, I finally got to my barbers place.

"hey watsup homie" my barber greeted me. His name was Michael.

"I'm good man" I said while we shook hands.

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