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I soon as I opened the door and let Rachel in, I knew there was no going back. But i was brave. Braver than I had been these 6 horrid months. Despite being small, my apartment was super clean. Wiping and cleaning was one thing, asides alcohol, that helped me hold onto the tiny thread of my sanity. I would spend long hours cleaning up every nook of the house trying to get my mind off Sophia. So when Rachel stepped into my apartment, I was proud. And it felt good. I felt complete. Seeing her stand in my living room, among my stuff, felt so right. And at that moment, I knew that all I felt for Rachel wasn't all lust. She seemed to calm me down with just her smile.

"Nice place you've got here" She said looking around.

"Thanks....Please sit down while I make us coffee. We've had more than enough to drink" I said 

"Okay cool" she said as she sat on the sofa.

I went to the kitchen to get us the coffee. I was nervous. I wanted to please her and at the same time I didn't want to come off as a creep. We barely knew each other. The coffee pot took a few minutes longer to get the coffee ready. I poured the hot black liquid into different mugs and set out to the living room.

"here you go" I said handing her a mug.

"Thanks" She said before pouring the liquid into her mouth. After few minutes of sitting in awkward silence, she looked up at me. Our eyes caught and I quickly averted mine.

"Hey thanks for letting me stay tonight"

"Well, its....its no problem at all" I stuttered

"You must be very tired. Lemme show you the bathroom and bedroom. I'm not ..... really used to having someone can sleep on the bed, I will take the couch" I added.

"Yes, I am tired and I would really love to have a hot bath and go to sleep but I won't let you sleep on the couch. I'm the guest, I will sleep on the couch" She said flashing me her breathtaking smile.

"No Rachel, you can have the bed" I insisted.

"Or we can sleep on it together"

Just the thought of having Rachel on the same bed with me was enough to give me an orgasm. It was like sleeping with an angel. I could picture us rolling in the sheets, fucking each other for what it was worth. I could feel the already wet patch in my boxer getting wetter and bigger. i wanted to rip the clothes of her smooth skin and take her right there on my second hand couch. I wanted to feel my fingers deep inside her wet folds. I wanted to kiss those luscious lips and suck her tits. I didn't know if it was the alcohol speaking but God, I wanted to do crazy things to her. But I had to wait. As much as I wanted to carry her to my bed, I didn't want to ruin whatever it was we already had going on.

"as long as you don't sleep naked" She added laughing

"I don't sleep naked" I replied with a smile.

"Shall we then?"


I took her to the bedroom, showed her the bathroom and gave her some clean towels. while she went in to have a shower, I changed my jeans to shorts and sweatshirt into a tank top, getting ready for bed. It took a lot of self discipline not to walk into that shower and tell Rachel that she was the most beautiful woman and thereafter fuck her till we were outta cum. I was really surprised how perverted my mind was becoming because of this strange beautiful girl in my shower.

I headed back to the kitchen to grab myself some canned food or anything edible at all. I was starving. I managed to make myself a quick tuna sandwich and I was on the last bite when I heard the tap turn off signalling she was done with the shower. Thank goodness. plucking the dirty plate  into the dishwasher, I washed my hands and headed back to the bedroom.

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