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Linda wasn't hard to spot as I walked into the bar. The Bronte Diner was the oldest food place cum bar on this part of the city. Old but neat and exquisite. And expensive. Just walking into the bar and inhaling the addictive scent of fresh bacon and liquor was enough to confirm that I really needed a break. The room was dark, almost stuffy but still orderly. Linda spotted me soon enough and waved me over. Good God, Linda went all out to please Alicia. In a red flannel dress, with red stiletto heeled matching shoes, her face beautifully made up, she looked beautiful. I felt bad for her for going through so much effort just to be stood up.

"Hey Al, what's up" Linda said as I got to her table.

"Hey mama" I said giving her a peck on the cheeks before sitting down. "Linds, I have never seen you dress this cute. I mean if Alicia had seen you like this, I'm sure she would think twice before leaving you in a Diner full of sex deprived hot girls" I said laughing.

"Stop it Al, you are making me feel worse" Linda said smiling.

"I mean, if it wouldn't be gross, I would have taken you back to my apartment and fucked the hell outta you" 

"Stop Al" Linda said when she could control her laughter.

This was what I loved about about us. Despite being sad and having crappy lifes, we found a way of making each other forget how hard it was. 

"Good evening ma'ams, what can we offer you tonight at The Bronte Diner?" A waiter holding a menu asked.

"umm, we don't really want to eat anything. Just two glasses of Syrah please" I said

"I need to see your ID to confirm that you are old enough to have alcohol ma'am" The waiter said with a grin on his face. A forced grin. It didn't look like he was enjoying his job.

"Do we look like 16 to you?" Linda asked frowning a bit.

"No Ma, Its just protocol"

"It's fine. Here's my ID" I interjected pulling my wallet out of my back pocket before Linda could make the waiters job harder than it already was. Linda pulled her purse out too and handed him her ID. After he was done checking to make sure we are not under age, he apologized, handed us our ticket back and left to get our drink.

"So how was work after I left?" Linda asked

"Just the same. Nothing new" I shrugged

"Sophia told you to grab her paper towels again, didn't she?" Linda asked pulling a face.

"I wonder why you let her do this to you all the time. i would her smash her smug pretty little face a long time ago. I hate it that even the authorities have no power to stop her from her perverted actions. We are losing sales by the way because people keep wondering if we run a lesbian brothel in there" Linda continued irritably

"I really don't want to be talking about Sophia right now"

"I would be moving to Seattle next month  and I don't like the idea of leaving you alone with that bitch"

"I still have to complete three months to be able to complete my ticket money to Camden. Besides my rent here expires in three months. I will be out then. Someone nice might be employed when you leave. I will be fine." I said but deep down I doubted it. Three months felt like three years but I can't let Linda worry about me.

"So you decided to finally move in with your cousin in London, I'm happy for you man. This place is a shit hole, better opportunities awaits" Linda said smiling

"thanks Lind"

"We need pussy right now" Linda said chuckling

"No ma'am, I am as dry as sandpaper right now and besides there are no pretty girls her" I shrugged

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