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I packed my car in front of the condo that was the number on the address Rachel sent. I was so nervous; my palms were sweating. I quickly pulled out the hand towel in the car pigeonhole and wiped my hands.

"Come on Al, tonight is the night. Don't mess this up" I said to myself before turning off the ignition of the car and came down. I straightened out my navy-blue shirt I had bought from the mall on the way from work that same day. My black jean trouser hugged my legs slightly tightly but free enough to give me some breathing space. I ran my hand over my hair to keep the stray strands in check. I walked up to the front door and I froze. What if she changed her mind and doesn't want to go out with me again? Was I too early? I glanced at my wristwatch and the time said 5:55pm. 5 minutes early. I gathered my nerves and pressed the doorbell. I heard shuffling inside and then the door was opened. There stood Rachel in a black bodycon dress that slit by the side. Her hair was flowing down her shoulder. Her face was lightly made up and perfect. She was in a black heeled shoe increasing her height by some inches. She was smiling as usual and at this moment I was beginning to doubt if I was worthy of this angel standing in front of me.

"Hey, come on in. I wasn't expecting you this early" Rachel said moving out of the way for me to come in.

"Yeah, I to keep to time" I stammered as I walked into the brightly lit living room. This house wasn't just beautiful on the outside, it was intimidating inside. The house was furnished in a classy Victorian style. The furnishing was a deep gray color, matching with the curtains and floor tiles. Everywhere was sparkling neat. I felt so small and out of place in the big living room

"Noted. Next time I would be dressed thirty minutes before the agreed the time" Rachel said laughing. "lemme grab my purse and we will be out of here" she added.

"Okay" I said dipping my hands into my jeans pocket. She went up the stairs leaving me alone in the room. I took the opportunity to look around. This was a big house. I wondered if she lived here alone. And if this was her house, it means she had a good taste and good money too. At least she mentioned next time, that was progress on my part. Rachel appeared again after few minutes.

"Let's go" she said grabbing her keys.

We stepped outside towards my car. I opened the passenger side door for her and shut it when she was in. I got into the car and soon we were on the road towards the restaurant where I had booked a reservation. It was quite far from our part of the town but the food there was nice. And cheap. Mistletoe by Justin Bieber was playing on the car radio. Rachel was singing along and I was nodding my head. We both enjoyed the song till it ended.

"I love Justin Bieber" Rachel said. I peeled my eyes off the road for a second to look at her and she was looking at me too.

"yeah, he sings alright" I shrugged and turned back to the road.

"You sound like you don't like him and I'm weird" she laughed.

"I prefer Ed Sheeran" I said laughing too.

"No way!!, that's like my worst. I love his voice but he needs to start paying attention to his looks more. He always looks like a church boy"

I laughed really hard at her comment; I almost ran into another car.

"He does not" I said still laughing

"He does"

We kept bantering till we got to the restaurant.

"what??!!!!, this is my favorite restaurant" Rachel squealed excitedly


"yeah, their food is great. I haven't been able to come here in a while. Thanks Alice" Rachel said placing her hand on mine. I felt electricity jolt through my arm from the contact. My heart beat was erratic.

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