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It was 3am in the morning and I was dragging myself out of the house, my suitcases packed and ready to go. My friends stood there, half-asleep, as I said my goodbyes and stepped into the waiting car.

As I settled into the backseat, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over me. Leaving my friends behind was going to be hard, and I knew that I would miss them dearly.

But even as I felt a sense of sadness and uncertainty, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement too. I was going to Korea, a new chapter in my life, and I was ready for whatever adventures and experiences lay ahead.

As the car drove off, I watched as my friends stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, and I knew that I would always cherish the memories we had made together.

As I checked my Instagram, I saw all the stories from my friends in Korea who were patiently waiting for my arrival. Despite our busy schedules, I knew that I had their support and love, and that thought brought a smile to my face.

As the car pulled up to the airport, I gathered my suitcases and put on my mask, complying with the restrictions. I pushed the trolley through the airport, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building inside me.

The airport was bustling with people, all rushing to catch their flights and embark on their own adventures. I joined the line to check in my suitcases, watching as the attendants placed stickers and checked my passport.

As I waited in line, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the people in my life who had supported me along the way. From Yunho to my friends in Korea, I knew that I was surrounded by people who loved and cared for me.

Leaving my friends and the life I had built behind was a dreadful moment, but the thought of seeing my parents again gave me happy butterflies.

I knew that they had missed me just as much as I had missed them, and the thought of being reunited with them after so many years filled me with excitement and anticipation.

As I boarded the plane, I felt a sense of nervousness wash over me. But even as I settled into my seat, I knew that I was ready for whatever lay ahead.

I took my favorite book by Choi San and settled into a comfortable position, wrapping a warm blanket over my legs. As I opened the book and began reading, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation wash over me. Choi San's writing had a way of captivating my attention and drawing me into the story, no matter how many times I had read it before.

Feeling inspired, I decided to post a story on my Instagram, tagging the author and some of my friends with the caption, 'READ IT.' I wanted to share the joy and passion I felt while reading Choi San's work with others, hoping they would also discover the beauty and intensity of his writing.

As I continued reading, I lost myself in the world of the book, transported to another place and time by Choi San's masterful storytelling. I couldn't help but feel grateful for his work, which had become such an important part of my life.

The stewardess approached with my drink and food, giving me a gentle bow as she handed them over. I smiled back politely, taking my drink and settling back into my seat. Just as I was about to take a sip, my phone buzzed with a notification from Instagram.

'OMG you're reading Choi San,' read the message. 'I can't believe it!' I couldn't help but chuckle to myself at the excitement and disbelief in my friend's message. It was clear that Choi San's work had a way of inspiring passionate reactions in his readers, and I was no exception.

As I read through the comments and messages from other fans of Choi San's work, I felt a sense of camaraderie and connection. It was comforting to know that there were others who shared my admiration and appreciation for his writing, and that we could come together in our love for his books.

After finishing my food and drink, I settled into a comfortable laying position and felt my eyes growing heavy. I closed the book and put on my headphones, letting the melody of Chung Ha's 'Killing Me' wash over me as I drifted off to sleep.

Chung Ha was a good friend of mine, and I was always amazed by her incredible talent. Seeing her put out her own music was a dream come true, and I couldn't wait to see her and other artists perform live.

As I snuggled into my blanket and closed my eyes, I felt a sense of contentment and happiness wash over me. The combination of Choi San's captivating writing and Chung Ha's beautiful music had left me feeling inspired and uplifted. I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the endless possibilities that awaited me in the world of art and creativity.


I woke up feeling disoriented, momentarily forgetting that I was still on the plane. As I checked the time, my eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. It was 3 pm the next day - I had slept for nearly a full day.

Rubbing my face to wake myself up fully, I sat up and saw the stewardess approaching with my food. I smiled at her gracefully and politely asked for a coffee, which she kindly brought over.

Looking out of the small window, I felt a surge of excitement and anticipation. I was on my way to see my parents and, most importantly, my little brother Kyungmin. It had been too long since I had seen them, and the thought of reuniting with my family filled me with joy.

As I ate my food and sipped my coffee, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing my brother tomorrow. It was moments like these that made all the hard work and long flights worth it.

Deciding to make the most of my remaining time on the flight, I put my things aside and settled into a comfortable laying position. Closing my eyes, I felt myself drifting off to sleep almost immediately, lulled by the gentle hum of the plane's engines and the soft comfort of the blanket.


Another chapter <3333
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