CH 32

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MY eyes widened as i fear the events coming to take place. Ronnie spun around in his seat and a hate filled look over took his face. "So its this asshole who beat the sit out of you?" Ronnie questioned. I nodded and looked out of the back windshield to Ray's car. Ray stepped out of his car and slowly walked towards the drivers window. He slammed his fist on the window.

"What the hell are you doing at my house?" Ray shouted, his grey eyes glaring at Ronnie. Ronnie rolled down the window a few inches. Ray looked into the back seat where i was sitting and his face reddened with anger. "What the Fuck are you doing with my girlfriend?" He was screaming now.

"Girlfriend? More like punching bag." Ronnie snorted and gave a bitter laugh. "She doesn't deserve to live with an asshole like you." I sat in the back seat shaking. Jacky looked over and put a hand on my shoulder to calm me, It didnt help at all.

"Abby, get out of the car." Ray demanded.

"hell no she isn't." Ronnie retorted and put the car into drive. Ronnie hit the gas and turned to the left and right into Ray's front yard. Ronnie spun the wheel and sped up the back tires to make sure he left holes on the grass. He quickly drove from the neighborhood.

Ronnie looked through the rear view mirror at me. "So that was Ray?" I nodded. "Well good thing we got you away from him." He smiled. "You wont have to worry now." He gave me a small smile and focused on the road.

"Could you turn the radio on?" I ask and he turns it up to Guns n Roses.

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