ch 17

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A few minutes of Spongebob later Derek walked out of the bathroom. "time to get food!" He yelled rubbing his tummy.

"where are we going to eat?" Ron asked. Looking at Derek.

"there is a red lobster down the street. Want to go?" Emily joined the conversation.

"sounds good. Lets go!" Derek yelled putting a fist on his left hip and holds his other fist in the air as he ran to the door with Ryan running behind him and the rest of us walking like normal people.

We stood and waited for the elevator to reach the bottom floor. I rocked back and forth on my heels to the balls of my feet as i waited. The elevator dinged as the door opened allowing all of us to spill from the tiny room.

Emilys phone started to buzz and she pulled it out and read her text. "after we eat and pay i gotta head to work. Somebody didn't show up for their shift." She signed and with the gang out of the glass doors to their car.

"awwww!" Ryan, derek,and Ronnie said. Ronnie opened the driver side door and got in starting the car. Emily got in next to him on the passenger side. Ron, jacky, and I piled into the middle seats. Derek and Ryan sat in the far back.

We all talked joked and even sang some random songs on the radio on the way. Once we got their we got our tables and order.

We got our food and chowed down. About half and hour later we where all done and the waitress came by and took the money. We all left and drove back to the hotel. "well see you guys later" Emily and i said climbing into her car. I waved to them as she pulled the car out and drove towards my house where a most likely drunken raylen is.

We arrived and she she stopped in front of my house. "he isn't home. He will be home soon though." I said fear inching into my voice.

"i have to go now. By Abby" she said i got out and closed the door right before she drove away.


Sorry about how short this chapter is its just a filler. Im sorry i haven't updated this story lately i have been really busy with school.

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