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** AN ** Well hello everyoneeeee! Sorry its been so long. I don't even know If fanfics are still relevant, but i'm still going to write. Im currently on bed rest and have nothing better to do. I'm still going to write this as if Jacky was still in the band. Just so you know lmao


Me and Jacky unloaded all of the bags into the car and then started on our way back to the house. I had the AUX and was blasting some asking Alexandria when Jacky reached up and turned the volume down. "What gives??" I jokingly ask. 

Jacky briefly glances at me while we sat at a stop light. "Who was that girl that was talking to you while we were checking out?" He asked. I was a bit taken back by this. I didn't know that he noticed. 

"Well her name is Nikki, I've never met her before. She was asking if you were actually THE Jacky Vincent." Jacky nodded at my response. 

The light turned green the car started moving. "Thats all? It seems like you guys were talking for a little while." He stated. A surprised look crossed my face, but I quickly shook it off. 

"Oh. well. Um. She said.." I stammered out. I got real quiet for the next part. "She said that we were a cute couple." I blurted that part out quiet and super fast before going back to my regular tone. "She also gave me her number, and then her boyfriend Jace came over and apologized for how outgoing she is." I chuckled nervously hoping her didn't hear the part about us looking like a couple. 

Jackys face turned a light shade of pink. "Did you say she thought we were a couple?" He asked, his voice a bit lower than normal. I nod in my seat next to him, and utter a simple 'Yeah'. Jacky nods and the conversation ended there. I turned the volume back up and to some feel good Blink 182 in hopes to change them mood in the car back to the upbeat and not awkward feeling. 

Not long after, we arrived back at the house and started to unload the bags. We both manage to get all of it in one trip and drop the bags on the counter. Ryan and Derek sat on the couch playing some video game. 

Ryan looked over his shoulder and shouted at us, "You two better have gotten all of that in one trip, if not you're both bitches." He turns back around cackling to himself. I roll my eyes and Jacky reaches on the ground to grab one of Charlies tennis balls and chucks it at the back of Ryans head. 

Ryan spins around and curses at us while be and Jacky laugh in the kitchen. "You guys think you're funny! HA! You haven't seen funny yet little girl." Ryan glares at us before turning back around. 

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