ch 13.

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I walked back to the couch and sat down. Popping a candy fish into my mouth i listened to there conversation. I noticed some movement on the other couch and look over. Jacky was sitting up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He left a small drool mark on the pillow his head rested on.

"good morning Daddy!" Ryan yelled making jacky jump at his sudden outburst.

"sleeping beauty is finally awake!" Ronnie joked. Jacky moves his hands from his face and glares at both. He then looked at the rest of us staring at him. He looks at me and then at my hands full of candy fish.

He leans over and grabs to from my hand. "hey! I was eating those!" I wine. He smiles back.

"now so am i." He said shoving the two in his mouth. The others just looking at us.

"lets go to the pool! They have one here." Derek said jumping up. Everyone just looks at him. Some body said sure and some one else said yea. I guess we are going swimming then.

"well me and Abby will be back we are going to get are swimsuits." Emily said dragging me out of the door.

We drove to her house and walked inside. "hey can i borrow a suit?" I ask looking at her bikinis.

"sure just make sure your boobs will fit." She joked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a few suits and walked into the bathroom.

The first on i tried was a dark pink. It was a little small on my boobs so i tried on a baby blue one. I like this one it fit nicely not to tight or loose. Just for the heck of it i tried on a black and bright green striped one. I loved the color and the way it fit. Uh slipped on some shorts and a T-shirt over it and grabbed my clothes and a towel to bring to the pool.

We got back in the car and drove out there again. When we arrived we basically ran to the elevator. We clicked the up button and waited. The little box soon arrived. We walked in and clicked the button. When the door opened we walked to there room and knocked.

"coming!" Ron yelled from the other side. A few seconds later Ron was opening the door with some blue swimming trunks and a white tshirt. "hey guys. Come on it." He said stepping aside to let us in. " Ronnie and jacky are still changing." He said closing the door after we got in.

We walked over to the couch amd sat next to ryan and Derek. Ryan was wearing bright yellow and black trunks and a black tshirt. Derek was wearing red trunks and a red shirt. "hey." He said walking to the other bathroom door. "jacky hurry up!" He said banging on the door. Jacky mumbled something from the other side and Ronnie walked away. "he'll be out any minute now he said grabbing his phone.

A few minutes later jacky walked out in black and bright green trunks and a misfits shirt. "im ready." He said grabbing some towels for the guys.

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