ch 21

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       The next morning i woke up to a blonde nurse checking some machine. She looked up and smiled. "your awake. Let me take your IV out then you can leave. Your friends arrived a little while ago." She said removing the tape holding the IV in place. She pulled it out. "your ready to leave. Just check out." She said and left.

        I sat up and lifted my legs over the right side if my bed making sure to not use my left arm. I put my right hand on the table next to me and pushed myself up.

         I didn't have any shoes on but i didn't care. I walked towards the door and walked out. I could feel how cold the tile was threw my thin socks.

       I slowly walked down the hall leading to the waiting room. A few feet later i was standing at the entrance. The grey carpet warming my feet. I looked to the only person clad in black and the man next to him.

       I looked at their faces and it was Ronnie and jacky. Ronnie was on his phone and jacky was looking down. After a while of me standing there jacky looked up at me and stood up.

      "Abby." He said gaining ronnie's attention. Jacky started walking towards me with Ronnie walking behind him. "are they letting you leave today." He asked as he reached me. Ronnie still walking.

       "yup." I smiled and started walking towards the front desk. Jacky, Ronnie, and I walked to the desk. When we reached the desk i put my right elbow on the desk and looked at the lady behind the desk.

      "how may i help you?" The lady asked moving her brown curly hair to the other side if her neck as she batted her eyelashes at jacky.

    Anger boiled up inside me as she eye raped him. I cleared my throat. "im here to check out." I said anger dripping from my voice.

    "name please?" She said putting on a fake smile.

     "Abby Miller." I said.

     "yes well Dr. Martin would like to talk to you before you leave let me page him." She said clicking a button. " Dr. Martin Abby is ready to leave." She went back to the computer and we stood there waiting for my doctor.

      A few minutes of waiting Dr. Martin walked towards us. "hello Abby. Take these pain pills once in the morning and once before you go to sleep." He said Handing me the bottle. "we put this on record if domestic abuse, but we will not report it to the police. If you are going to check out we would like for someone to sign you out, and for them to stay with you." He said looking from me to jacky to Ronnie.

   "thank you." I said and he walked away. I turned to Ronnie and jacky. "i will go call Emily to sign me out." I put my hand in my pocket to grab it but it wasn't there.

     "no we will sign you out and you can stay with us. Oh and here is your phone. Dont worry i dont look threw it." Jacky said pulling out my phone from his pocket and handed it to me.

      "thank you." I said grabbing it from his hand.

       "im going to sign you out. You can start the car if you want." He said giving jacky the keys and walking to the front desk. Jacky looked down at my black socks.

      "do you want a piggy back ride?" He asked looking amused.

      "yes!!" I said jumping up and down. He turned around and bent his knees. I jumped on his back wrapping my right arm around his neck and my legs around his waist. He put his hands behind my knees and i put my chin on his left shoulder.




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