ch 15.

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After the the cannonball contest we all wrapped up in towels and went back to the hotel room. "who wants to go get some food?"Ronnie asked.

Everyone either said yea or nodded. Me and emily went to change in the bath rooms first. I turned on the blow dryer and dried my hair. Once my hair was dry i peeled of the bottom part of my bikini and put my underwear on and then my black shorts i came in. I looked on the floor for my bra but didn't find it.

"sh*t." I mutter to my self as i walk out of the bathroom to find my bra. I walk over to my bag and start digging threw it but i never found it.

"ya looking for this?" I turn around to see Ryan holding my bra up so everyone could see my electric blue and black striped bra. I could feel my face turn 80 shades if red darker.

"Ryan. Give it back." I growled my face still hot with embarrassment. He stood up holding my bra far above his head.

"you'll have to reach for it Shorty." He said an evil smile played on his lips.

I looked at all the guys for help but Ronnie thought this was funny, derek was eating, jacky and ron where to short and Emily was still changing. I glared at Ryan then walked over to ron and jacky.

"witch one of you would lift me?" I whispered leaning towards the two men. Ron looked over at jacky and then back at me with an smile on his face.

"i will jacky said looking into my eyes. He stood up.

"ok i need you to lift my up and throw me onto ryans back when he is turned around." I looked up at him and he nodded in return.

We both turned around and watched Ryan until he turned around. Jacky grabbed my waist and launched me at ryans back. "give me the bra!" I yelled into his ear while the rest laughed. I reached for my bra and grabbed the strap that he wasn't holding. I yanked in out of his hands and jumped off his back.

I smiled triumphantly and looked at the guys that looked like they where going to p*ss them selves. I walked back into the bathroom and untied my bikini top and Hooked on my bra. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head.

I grabbed a brush that i had in my bag and gently brushed my hair. I put on the bracelets and walked out of the bathroom. I sat on the couch in between jacky and ron.

I leaned over closer to jacky. "thanks for helping me get my bra back. Im sorry you had to lift my far *ss up." I said leaning away and looking at my hands.

"no problem. And you arnt heavy at all." He said. I looked up at his face. His blue eyes boring into mine. He smiled and said. "well im going to get changed." He stood up and walked to a suitcase and grabbed some things. He walked into the bathroom i was in.

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