Chapter 4

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Before he had expected it, they had found their way to the trolls.

"We will camp here for the night," declared Thorin as they came upon the burnt hovel of what once was a farmer's home.

Gandalf paused and stared at the skeletal remains of the shack with furrowed brows. Bilbo knew he was recounting the farmer and was about to voice his concerns to the king. He silently inched closer as the wizard, and Dwarf began to converse.

"-should make for Rivendell. We would be most welcome by Lord Elrond-" Gandalf was trying to explain with obvious impatience and mounting anger.

"We will not!" Thorin cut off sharply, making a slicing motion with his hand. "The elves showed no interest in lending us aid years ago, and I doubt they will now. Leave it alone, Gandalf."

Gandalf's lips pinched, and he tugged his hat down further over his eyes. The Hobbit recognized the tell and immediately reached out to grasp the wizard's arm as he attempted to storm away.

"Wait a minute, where are you going?" Bilbo questioned, making sure to pitch his voice higher.

"To be with the only one here with any commonsense - myself!" the wizard declared loudly and tried to tug his arm free.

He wasn't having any of it. The Hobbit dug his heels into the ground and gestured to the Dwarves around them. "You cannot leave us here unprotected! What if we get attacked?"

"We are not unprotected," Thorin snapped from behind him. "You are among veteran warriors who survived countless battles, halfling, thanks to their great skills-"

"I have seen no such skills in battle," he interrupted, cutting the king off much like he had done earlier to Gandalf. "We have been on the road for weeks, and not once have I seen any of you engage in combat. For all I know, you could be as skilled in battle as an Orc is at knitting."

Nearby, both Bofur and Nori had a sudden and mysterious coughing fit.

"No, I would feel much safer if there was a wizard present as we tried to puzzle out why this house in the middle of nowhere recently burned down," he finished, stressing the last part because Dwarves needed to have things spelled out for them. "And, Gandalf, you should not wander about alone, considering we've heard wargs howling for the past few nights. Oh, and would you look at that - the sun is going down."

At that point, the Company had stopped and watched the drama with mixed expressions. Most seemed quite close to laughing but were able to control it. Fili and Kili had given up any pretense of not finding the situation funny and were giggling into each other's shoulders like children. Thorin had gone very, very still and was turning a light shade of pink. Bilbo thought the shade complimented his blue eyes quite nicely, but he doubted the Dwarf would appreciate the compliment at such a time.

Or any other time.

"Bilbo, would you truly feel safer if I were to stay?" Gandalf questioned, setting a hand in his curls. His face was a mask of concern, but Bilbo could see the bright twinkle in his gray eyes. The wizard was most likely cackling inside.

"Yes, I would," he declared firmly, nodding.

"Then I will stay," the wizard said, looking past the Hobbit to glare at the Dwarf king. "For the moment, anyway."

Bilbo allowed his shoulders to sag in relief. "Thank you."

Thorin glared at both of them before snapping at his nephews, "Fili! Kili! Watch the ponies! Everyone else set up camp!"

The two brothers immediately stopped giggling.

He finally released the wizard as the Dwarves around them began their tasks. Gandalf smiled at him; he smiled in return.

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