Chapter 6

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Bilbo realized something was wrong when he heard the Wargs howl.

The Company did not hesitate. They had their weapons out and were ready before he could stop and think. Their efficiency paid off, for no sooner had they heard the howl than a Warg was leaping out from the foliage and heading straight for Thorin. The king dodged and ran his new sword into the back of the neck of the creature in one quick move. As he pulled his blade out, Dwalin and Bofur ran their weapons into the beast, finishing it off for good.

"Orcs," cursed Thorin, wiping his blade clean.

"How did they find us?" Balin wondered at his side.

"Who did you tell, Thorin?" Gandalf demanded of the king, and the two soon argued.

Bilbo ignored them all as he felt his heart begin to speed up. The last time around, Radagast was here when the Wargs attacked. Why isn't he here now?

"I swear I told no one!"

"What do we do? We can't take them all on at once!"

"We need a plan!"

Could I have done something that prevented him from coming? Did keeping Gandalf around during the troll incident do this? Wait, never mind that, Bilbo. Focus on the Orcs! With Radagast not here, we won't be able to get away.

"How far is the nearest settlement?"

"There is nothing out here but us and the Orcs!"

"Why are we even arguing about this? We should stand our ground and fight!"

The Elves. Elrond is leading a company of Elves this way. We have to hold out until then.

"We can use the area," he declared loudly over the arguing Dwarves and Wizard. "Station those with long-ranged weapons in the trees. Those with melee weapons must take cover and wait for the Orcs to come. If we can kill them before they alert the others, we can keep them away from our location."

Most of the Company ignored his words, but Thorin was gazing at him in consideration. He met the blue gaze evenly and tried to ignore his pounding heart.

"We cannot fight them all at once. You know their numbers will be too great," he pointed out.

Thorin slowly nodded. "And there is no place to take cover in the coming plains. Here is the only area with trees and covering."

"Wait, are we considering this?" Gloin demanded, looking back and forth between the king and Hobbit.

"Do you have a better idea?" retorted Kili, eyeing up potential trees to climb.

"We make our stand here. Everyone take your positions," Thorin ordered. "Halfling, stay with Bofur."

Everyone moved to act without question. Even Bilbo could not retort to the 'halfling' comment as he moved to crouch in some shrubbery with the toymaker.

"Stay within my sight. I will do my best to protect you," Bofur murmured.

"Funny. I was about to say the same to you," Bilbo murmured back, unsheathing Sting.

On his other side, Bombur snickered.

Three Orcs riding Wargs found them soon enough. Bilbo watched from his position as Kili and Ori took out one of the Wargs while Nori, Dwalin, and Fili attacked the Orc. The others ambushed another; Thorin neatly beheaded the Orc before taking out the Warg with the aid of Gandalf, Balin, and Gloin.

The third wandered closer to them, the Warg sniffing them out. He felt Bofur and Bombur stiffen on each side of him as Sting began to glow a familiar bright blue. He could feel how fast his heart beat and wondered if the Orc could hear it too. It certainly seemed that way as the Warg turned and looked through the foliage and straight into his eyes. It bared its teeth in a twisted snarl and crouched low as its rider turned its attention to them.

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