Chapter 9: Nanomites

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In the least ironic way ever, I found Reed in the science lab in the west of stark industries. He was looking over what seemed 600 hearts all working in a lab all at once. The wirrs and beeps of the machines all sounded way more intense then they ever were before. Like they've been on for hours on end. ".....and while all these heroes will be fighting..." Said reed, waiting for a response from songbird. Songbird had a look on her face like she already had this figured out. She knew what reed was getting at, and her body motion showed the excitement. ".....villains will be able to go on mass crime sprees with nothing in their way." "Correct," said reed "that's where the thunderbolts would come in. I think ad- oh Matt! Nice of you to drop by. A big storm in the lobby huh?" I looked at him "Yeah...a big one." I turned to look at songbird "So....any reason your not in your cage?" Reed's heart jumped out of fear. Guess he didn't want a scream loud as 2 b-52's going off. "Now Matt, songbird has signed with the thunderbolts and has renounced her criminal ways. Isn't that right, Melissa?" Songbird was a jail bird who was given superpowers by a corrupt company. She was a wrestler for a while, screaming Mimi, then coming back to being songbird. Songbird took a big long sigh "Yeah. After what nitro did I couldn't stand to be on the wrong side of things any more. I signed yesterday and got released this morning. Satisfied?" Her heart wasn't lying, but I was still suspicious. A bird can change its feathers quickly. "What are they building over here" I asked after some awkward silence "a new ultron?" Reed laughed "Nah we know where that road leads. But this....THIS will change the world." He put something so small in my hand, I thought it was a prank. "What is it?" Asked songbird trying to eye the object. "A nanomite. A bug that is put in the mainstream of the human blood system to control and contain super criminals." I knew where Reed was going with this. He tried this before and failed, horribly. "You want to make an army out of known murders and criminals?!?!? Reed that's insane!!" Reed looked shocked "What do you mean?" he asked "We need the numbers. And besides, the enemy of our enemy is our friend." I was about to shout but tried to stay calm "Not if both sides hate said friend. I understand giving the wardens a badge, but the madmen the wardens are fighting? Hell no." Mr. Fantastic was astounded, as if I said 1+2 equals 72. "Matt, Matt, we've done this before, remember? Cage, songbird, hell even cinder was a good attempt." Cage did use to be a criminal in jail. He was given a super soldier serum gone wrong, and it gave him super strength. He was one of the first people to ever beat Danny rand, aka the iron fist, aka the king of Kung-foo. "Yes we have" I urged Reed "but we had it under control! We didn't just allow them to be free, we had leashes on them." Reed sighed "These nano mites are equipped with an electric shock capable of knocking out half of Manhattan. If they even move one step out of place, we can fry them for weeks. There's no need for alarm." I was startled about how calm Reed was. He was literally giving the mad men the city, the entire country. "You know what Reed? I think I know who to trust now. Good luck with your 'inventions'."

"Woah! Mr. Daredevil, what's going-" I stopped patriot. "Patriot..." I look towards the lab in the distance "....take me to cap and cable."

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