I Can't Go Home

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Eddie drove out to Skull Rock and climbed on top of his van. He really wished that he had the rest of the bourbon that he'd left in his van. All he had was his lunchbox, and his stash was running pretty low. He had a couple of dime bags of weed and a half dozen or so pain killers. He needed to visit Rick, but he was still in jail. Maybe he should just go to Rick's place. It would be empty, and he knew where Rick kept his stash. Plus, it would be somewhere he could sleep instead of on the floor of his van.

Eddie drove to Rick's place and searched all the usual spots for a hidden key but came up empty. Probably a good idea not to have one since he did keep large quantities of illegal drugs around the house. So, Eddie made his way to the back door. He pulled a bandana from his back pocket, wrapped it around his fist, punched through one of the panes of glass in the back door then reached in and unlocked it.

Inside, he went to Rick's bedroom and his closet. He dropped to his knees, reached into the back corner and peeled back the carpet to reveal a loose floor panel. Eddie lifted the panel and smiled when he saw Rick's stash in its usual hiding spot. He grabbed a large bag of weed and was about to put the panel back when something caught his eye. There was a sizeable cellophane baggie full of brightly colored balloons. Eddie took one and used his teeth to tear the balloon open. He dipped his pinky into the grayish white powder then touched it to his tongue. A smile spread across his face, and he took a second balloon then covered the stash and replaced the carpet.

Back in the living room, Eddie stashed the drugs he'd taken into his lunchbox then sat down. He wished again that he had the rest of the bourbon he'd left in his van. He assumed Steve took it, no one else should have been at Skull Rock in the few hours between when Steve and Eddie left and when Wayne dropped him off to get his van. He reached for the phone and dialed Steve's number and waited. He was surprised when he realized that he was looking forward to talking to Steve, to seeing him. Steve answered on the third ring.

"Hey, it's Eddie."

"What's up?" Eddie thought he heard Steve smile.

"Did you take my bottle of Jack?"

"Yeah," Steve answered. "I didn't think you needed any more trouble than you were already in, so I took it."

"Can you meet me?" Steve sighed. "You still have it, right?"

"I have it." He sighed again. "I don't think you need it, but I'll meet you at Skull Rock."

"No," Eddie replied. "You know where Reefer Rick lives?" Steve said he did. "Meet me there. He's still in jail and I needed a place to stay." He knew Steve would ask questions, so he headed him off. "I can't go home, and Rick probably wouldn't care."

"Okay," Steve answered. "Half an hour."


Steve knocked on Rick's door and waited. After a moment, Eddie opened it and let him in. Steve put the half empty bottle of bourbon and his cigarette pack on the table next to Eddie's metal lunch box then took a step back to look around. Eddie flopped onto the couch, taking the bottle with him. He took a long drink before setting it back on the table, closing his eyes.

"Why can't you go home?" Steve sat down across from Eddie, the table between them. "Did your uncle kick you out?"

Eddie shook his head. "He offered to send me to a shrink." He opened his eyes and looked over at Steve. "Then he tried to ground me, so I left."

Steve stood and went over to sit next to Eddie on the couch. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know."

Eddie reached for him, hooked his hand behind Steve's neck and pulled him down into a heated kiss. Steve tangled his fingers into the front of Eddie's shirt, pulled him up into the kiss as they explored each other's mouths. Eddie put a hand on Steve's shoulder, slid his hand slowly down his arm, then caught his wrist. Eddie moved Steve's hand between his legs and sighed against Steve's lips as he cupped Eddie through his jeans, squeezing softly. Steve's hand lingered for a moment, but then he pulled away. He reached for him again, but Steve shook his head.

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