I Missed You

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Eddie was sitting on the foot of his bed waiting when Steve showed up. And when Steve walked into Eddie's bedroom, before he could even say hello, Eddie was up and in front of him. He reached behind Steve and pushed the bedroom door closed as he backed him into it. Their lips met and they lost themselves in each other. Eddie held Steve by the hips while Steve wrapped both arms around Eddie, holding him tight against his chest. Eddie leaned into him, pushing him back against the door with the full weight of his body. He let his fingers slip under the hem of Steve's shirt and trailed them along the waistband of his jeans, feeling Steve's soft, warm skin against his calloused fingertips.

"Fuck," Eddie gasped as their lips finally parted and they rested their foreheads together. "I missed you."

"Really," Steve asked. "I couldn't tell."

Eddie reached up and cupped Steve's chin, tilted his head to the side, and pressed his lips to Steve's neck. "Stop being an asshole." Then he bit him, hard enough to make him hiss in a sultry mix of pain and pleasure. The sound sent shivers through Eddie's entire body. "Can't you just tell me you missed me, too?"

"I missed you, too, Eddie." Eddie tilted his head back and kissed Steve again, softly this time. "You're a much better kisser when you aren't under the influence of something."

"This is the first time I've kissed you completely sober, isn't it?"

"I was beginning to think you only liked me when you were wasted." Steve finally let go of Eddie. "Hey, you didn't leave a mark when you bit me, did you?" He turned his head and Eddie reached up and ran a finger over the spot where he'd bitten Steve.

"Not much of one," he said. "You might have to do some explaining though." Steve tried to push himself off the door, but Eddie held him in place, still leaning into him. "Wait."

Eddie reached between them and hooked his fingers into the waist of Steve's jeans. Steve waited, curious about what Eddie was going to do. Eddie popped the button of Steve's jeans, then lowered the zipper, letting his fingers caress his dick through the denim. He slipped a hand into Steve's pants and wrapped it around his dick.

"Eddie," he said breathlessly, and Eddie looked up into his eyes. "You're uncle's in the next room."

"Then you'll just have to be quiet, won't you?" Eddie dropped to his knees, never breaking eye contact with Steve. "That shouldn't be a problem, though. Like I told you before. I've never done this before, so I'll probably do a shit job."

Steve pushed his pants down far enough for Eddie to get his now hard dick out. "Doesn't matter," Steve answered. "Blow jobs are like pizza. Even when it's bad it's good."

The last word died on a sigh as Eddie wrapped his lips around Steve and sucked him into his mouth. Steve's head fell back against the door, and he bit his bottom lip to stop a moan from escaping as Eddie started bobbing up and down, sliding Steve in and out of his mouth, letting his tongue massage his length. Eddie followed his mouth with his fist, stroking Steve's dick as he sucked it. His other hand was on Steve's thigh, his fingers digging in. Steve looked down at Eddie. He wanted to watch. He ran his fingers through Eddie's hair, pushing it back off his face so he could enjoy the view. He held his hair back in one fist and cupped the other hand on Eddie's cheek as he rocked his hips, trying to set an even pace.

"Slow down, baby," he whispered. Eddie did as Steve said, slowing his pace allowing him to suck harder. "Fuck, Eddie," Steve groaned quietly. "That's so fucking good, baby."

Steve let go of Eddie's cheek and pushed his pants down further to free his balls as well. He took Eddie's hand from his thigh and cupped it on his balls. Eddie massaged them gently as he took Steve deeper into his throat. He gagged briefly but recovered quickly and continued to swallow him as deep as he could. Remembering the blow job Steve had given him, Eddie slid Steve out of his mouth and pushed his dick up against his stomach. He pressed his tongue flat against the underside and locked eyes with Steve as he licked slowly from the base to the tip, then swirled his tongue around his swollen head before swallowing him again.

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