I'm No Hero

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Eddie and Steve kissed and groped each other for a couple more minutes then finally got out of bed and got cleaned up. Eddie called and ordered a pizza while Steve went back to the bedroom and got the used condom to flush it so Wayne wouldn't see it. It was one thing for him to know that Eddie and Steve had slept in the same bed together. It was something altogether different to know that they'd actually had sex. Then he went through Eddie's closet looking for a shirt he could wear since he'd used his to clean them up. They were all a size too small, so he finally just picked one.

While they waited for the pizza, thirty minutes or it's free, Eddie plopped himself on the couch next to Steve and Steve turned to face him. Eddie noticed the too tight Motorhead shirt Steve was wearing and grinned.

"Are you wearing that to my show tonight?"

"Are you playing tonight," Steve asked.

"It's Tuesday." Eddie sighed. "I know Wayne's going to try and stop me, but like he said, I can't just sit around the house doing nothing. Playing guitar makes me happy. I lose myself in my guitar. When I'm playing, I can forget everything else going on and just live inside the music for a while. It's safe there. And quiet."

"Your music is quiet," Steve asked while laughing.

Eddie poked him in the ribs. "I don't mean quiet as in silent. I mean that I don't think. Nightmares aren't playing over and over in my head. I don't hear my parents begging me to save them."

"I get it," Steve said. "And I'm sorry I laughed. I'm sure we can convince Wayne to let you play."

"Besides, I'll have you there to keep me out of trouble."

"Or get you into another kind of trouble." He reached up and fisted his hand into Eddie's hair, holding it back as he nibbled Eddie's earlobe. He playfully yanked at Eddie's hair and Eddie whimpered lustily. "You like that?" Eddie nodded and Steve yanked again, pulling Eddie's head back so he had access to his throat. He nipped Eddie's throat and Eddie moaned again. "You made me promise not to hurt you, but you like pain, don't you."

"Fuck yeah," Eddie whispered. "In some ways."

"Next time I'm going to take you from behind so I can pull your hair like this." Eddie took Steve's other hand and lifted it to his neck. Steve pulled his hair back and to one side so he could see Eddie's face. "What do you want, baby?" Eddie wrapped Steve's hand around his throat. They locked eyes for a long moment then Steve started squeezing, his thumb digging into the bruised bite mark he'd left on him. Eddie gasped and his eyes slid closed. "Is this what you like?" Eddie nodded. "We have to stop this. The pizza will be here soon."

Reluctantly, Eddie pulled away. He moved across the room and crossed his arms over his chest then peeked up at Steve with a shy smile.

"I can't help it," he said with a laugh. "All I can think about is you. I know it's ridiculous, but I've never wanted to be with anyone like I want to be with you." He started pacing the room. "It's not just sex. I know it seems like it is because every time I get within a foot of you, I can't keep my hands off you."

"It's not ridiculous," Steve said. "And you're not the only one who has trouble keeping his hands to himself."

"There's something else though. I like just being with you. You're the only..." He trailed off. He knew what he wanted to say but was embarrassed to actually say it.

"Talk to me, Eddie," Steve said. "I'll stay over here, you stay over there. And just talk to me."

"You're the only real friend I have," Eddie said quietly. "Jeff and Gareth, outside of Corroded Coffin and Hellfire, we really don't have much to talk about." He shrugged. "Hell, neither of them has even bothered to call me since I went missing last week."

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