I Want You To Want Me

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When Wayne got home from work, he found Steve and Eddie on the couch. Eddie had his head on Steve's shoulder, one of his legs across Steve's lap, and they were watching television. Wayne nodded in greeting to them as he put his things on the counter and put the six pack of beer that he brought home into the refrigerator. He went into the bathroom and Eddie and Steve gave each other questioning looks. Had Wayne noticed the way they were practically snuggled together? Eddie shrugged and turned his attention back to the show they were watching. A few minutes later Wayne was back and went to the kitchen to start dinner.

"You boys hungry," Wayne called out to them. They looked at each other. Eddie shook his head, but Steve nodded.

"Yeah," Eddie answered. "Need some help?"

"Nah, I got it." A few minutes later, as he put a pot of water on the stove to boil some pasta, Wayne spoke again. "Did you take your meds?"

"Yes," Eddie answered, rolling his eyes. Steve elbowed him playfully and Eddie held back a laugh. He put his head back on Steve's shoulder and they went back to watching television while Wayne made spaghetti. He reached for Steve's hand and laced his fingers through his.

"Are you sure about this," he whispered to Eddie as he gave his hand a squeeze.

"When we sit down to eat, he's going to see my hickey," Eddie whispered back. "And after finding us in bed together this morning, and sitting here together like this, I'm sure he's already put two and two together and suspects something." He craned his neck and dropped a kiss on Steve's chin then glanced back towards the kitchen. Wayne had his back to them.

Half an hour later, Wayne called them to the table. He put a plate of food in front of each of them then sat down across from them with his own food. He tilted his head to one side and squinted at Eddie. Eddie knew what he was looking at so he shook his hair back so he could see the mark better. Wayne looked up into Eddie's eyes and Eddie didn't flinch or blink. Finally, Wayne picked up his fork and started eating.

"Wayne?" He looked up at Eddie again. "Corroded Coffin is playing tonight."

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

"You're the one who said I shouldn't sit around doing nothing," Eddie replied. "And I think I need it, you know. Like therapy."

"I'll be there with him," Steve interjected. "I'll make sure he behaves." Wayne looked at Steve and held his gaze for a long moment. "I'm not going to let him do anything stupid or get into any trouble." Wayne's eyes dropped to the mark on Steve's neck, then over to the one on Eddie's before looking back up into Steve's eyes. "I promise."

"I guess he does always seem happier when he's playing," Wayne finally said.

"So, you're okay with it?" Wayne nodded. "Thanks."

They finished dinner over a lot of small talk then Steve went to Eddie's room to call his parents. He hadn't been home or talked to them so he thought he should at least let them know he was okay. While he made the call, Eddie helped Wayne with the dishes. Neither of them said anything at first, but as Eddie was drying the last plate, Wayne turned to face him. He leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. Eddie put the plate away then leaned against the opposite counter and crossed his arms over his chest as well, and almost laughed, realizing how much alike he and Wayne were.

"Is this what it looks like?" Wayne nodded in the direction of Eddie's bedroom.

"Would it be a problem if it was?"

"I just want you to be happy, Ed. And if he makes you happy, then I'm all for that." He pushed off the counter and crossed the small space between them. "Just promise me you're being careful."

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