$ Jimmy Fallon $

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Billie's POV:

Y/n and I are in the backstage of Jimmy's show. We are both very excited because we never did an interview together, and we are pretty sure that we are going to break the internet.

"Hey girls!!" We hear Jimmy. He is coming forward to us and gives us big hugs.

"You grew a beard, man?" Y/n notices.

"Do I look old?" He asks.

"Noo, you look amazing!" I comfort him.

We all laugh together. I missed him so much, he is the sweetest interviewer I know. He is really mine and Y/n's comfort interviewer because we both deal with disrespectful interviewers and paparazzi on daily basis.

"Alright, we are starting in 5 minutes, both of you are going to come out when I call your names." He gives us directions.

"Got it." Y/n and I say at the same time.

He turns around and rushes to the stage to get ready and warm up the audience.

Y/n's POV:

I wrap my hands around Bill's neck and hug her before we go out.

"Ready?" I ask her as I get out of the hug, still with my hands around her neck and her hands around my waist.

"Ready to break the internet." She nods.

I chuckle and give her a peck on lips.

"For the first time in history, we have both of them in one interview..." We hear Jimmy starting. "And not online interview, we have them live! One of the hottest couples in LA, ladies and gentleman, please welcome Billie Eilish and Y/n Y/l/n!!!"

The whole audience started applausing as Bill and I walk out. We wave to the audience with big smiles on our faces and take a seat. I sat right in front of Jimmy and Billie next to me.

"It's so awesome to have you girls here! Thank you for coming!" He starts.

"Thank you for calling us!" I answer.

"Gosh I have so much things to talk about! You girls are workaholic I don't know where to begin!"

Billie and I chuckle. Not gonna lie, we indeed are workaholic, a lot happened last year.

"Let's start with show in Paris..." The audience went wild when Jimmy said this. "Y/n, tell me about it, about the plan."

"Oh gosh it was surreal...Well, as you know Billie did not know about me coming on that show, it was our 4th anniversary and I just couldn't stay at home and, you know, send her a message. So, I asked Finneas to send me their schedule and we planned the whole thing! It was kind of hard, but it was worth it, of course."

"How did you avoid the paparazzi?"

"Well, I was flying with private jet this time and when I landed private taxi drove me to the hotel, but I was also dressed in the baggiest clothes and I had sunglasses so I guess that is why nobody noticed me."

"Billie, tell me your point of view." Jimmy asked Billie.

"As Y/n said, it was surreal, that day I did not fell like performing because of long distance, especially on our anniversary and to be honest I was not expecting anything to happen because I knew Y/n is working on a few projects and she was barely home so how could she find a few days off to fly across the world? But when she came out on a show I felt like I was dreaming and I was literally checking if she was real. I am very thankful for both of them." Bill held my hand.

"Y/n deserves an award for the best girlfriend." Jimmy says.

"Indeed!" Bill agrees and I blush.

"But besides that award, Y/n won an Oscar!" Audience is wild again. "Congrats Y/n! Tell us about the movie and your character."

"The movie is about my character, Emma Correla, and Timothee Chalamet's character, Ross Duke, who were in very long relationship of 5 years. However, one day Emma's best friend told her that Ross was flirting with her every time she would go out with her, Ross and other friends. Emma immediately believed her and confronted Ross about it. Ross denied it and said that her bestfriend was flirting with him. Emma did not believe him and broke up with him. For next 3 years Ross is trying to get her back even though Emma is in new relationship. A lot of things happen in the movie but I don't want to tell much."

"I watched the movie and it is awesome, anyone should watch it." Jimmy added. "Now, I would like to clear some of the biggest rumors going around the internet with you two."

"Oh gosh..." Me and Bill both sigh.

"There better not be some about cheating." Bill says.

"We'll see..." Jimmy takes out a box with rumors inside. "First one: Billie, is it true that you are dropping new album this year (2023)?"

"I am working on an album, but I am not sure when I'm going to drop it." Billie answers, which is correct.

"How many songs have you written so far?" Jimmy asks.

"I think 7...but only 2 of them passed for the album."

"Next rumor: Y/n, is it true that you were supposed to have dirty scene in movie "Love Me Again", but you refused to do it."

"True, no need to explain." I answer seriously.

"Loyal choice. Billie, are you going to be in "Euphoria" season 3?"

"Hahaha, I knew this rumor was about to pop out!" I laugh with Billie.

"No, I am not an actress, I would rather leave that role to Y/n." Bill says.

"Would you take the role Y/n?" Jimmy asks.

"For sure! Who wouldn't?"

"And the last rumor...Y/n, did you and Timothee first met in drama school when you were 12?"

"Yep, and we played a few performances in theatre together!"

"That is so awesome!" Jimmy says. "Thank you girls for coming one more time. Billie Eilish and Y/n Y/l/n everybody!!"

Billie and I walk out holding hands.

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