= an accident on set =

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In this one we also have Hailee (Steinfeld)'s POV because if you read previous one shots you know Hailee and Y/n are working on a project together.

Y/n's POV:

"Girl are you 100% sure you want to do that?" Hailee is checking again.

"Hailee I told you, I always wanted to do this, besides that I got instructions how to do this and I have all equipment I need." I repeat to her for hundredth time.

Hailee sighs and rolls her eyes. After a few steps she walks away from me and starts walking up to our director.

Hailee's POV:

"Excuse me..." I lean to director. He turns to me and nods. "Um...Y/n wants to do this stunt on her own."

"You mean the one with drifting?" He asks with shocked face. "But her stuntwoman is already here!"

"I know...but she really wants to do it, I also tried to tell her to not do it, but she is simply not listening."

"Well, there's nothing we can do...okay I'll tell her stuntwoman that she is free for today. Can you please get her equipment, it's in the dressing room I believe?" He asks me. Before I turn around he asks me again. "Oh, and why did you come and tell me this instead of her?"

"I think it is better like that, you would probably tell her to not do it and she would get even more furious." I smirk.

"Fair enough." He turns around and starts giving cameraman instructions.

*Time skip*

I picked up all her equipment and now I am heading on set. I already see 5 cars prepared. Y/n is going to be in one of them, alone, and in other 4 there are going to be other stuntman/stuntwoman who will be chasing her.

"Y/n I'm asking you one more-" I begin but she cuts me with deadly look. I just give her equipment and walk behind the cameras.

My brother, Griffin, is also here. He is going to be in one of these cars behind Y/n. He is racer after all, so I trust him.

They all get in their cars and their positions, waiting for director to yell action.

Y/n's POV:

Hailee became so annoying with the same question, I mean I understand that she is worried, but I told her I will be fine.

I put on me everything I need and get in my car, as well as other stunts. My heart is beating so fast that I can literally feel it in my throat. I turn around to see Hailee behind the cameras mouthing me "breathe". She acts like my mother.

"We're rolling!" Director yells. I put my hands on steering wheel and turn engine on.


I press the pedal and start speeding. All the four cars are chasing after me. As I'm driving I see blue line where I'm supposed to drift. I turn steering wheel on left and pull clutch...Woohooo I did it! But it's not the end, I have one more drift to do.

After some time of other stunts doing their job I see one more blue line so I repeat what I had before. But as I go to pull clutch I realize that it's not moving. Holy fuck. I turn steering wheel on right instead of left because of the pressure. "HOLY FUCK NO!"

Hailee's POV:

All of a sudden we all hear crash. Oh my, no Y/n. I immediately stand up like everybody did.

"What happened!?" I yell on top of my lungs, my eyes start getting watery. Maybe it's Y/n, maybe Griffin. Oh my.

Director pushes me out of his way and picks up his phone. I go after him.

billie x female reader - one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now