Chapter X-Mine

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CrowAaaand a new chapter! Sorry for the wait, hope yall enjoy it! Stay hydrated! (My apologies for any spelling errors)

Warning: Brief mention of rape

Wren's POV

It was two weeks after the incident with Crayne, and I had been back at school for about a week, give or take. Derek and I hadn't spoken about it yet, and I wasn't sure if we ever would.

Things had gone to the way things had been before, save for the other five Jocks worriedly demanding if I was alright, to which I replied with, 'I'm fine.'
They had glanced between eachother, obviously not buying it. I shrugged it off dismissively.

It's not like they cared anyway

It was Tuesday yet again, and I was walking to class, which was calculus. Gross. I still had quite a while before it started, but I wanted to get there early to minimize any social interactions (Help this is literally something that I do-). I heard a throat quietly being cleared behind me, so I turned around, to be met with none other than Brunnett Bitch.

Just splendid.

Today she was currently wearing a sky blue crop top with white jeans, with her usual pink lip gloss and eyelash extensions. Her sleek, oak coloured hair was twisted up into a pretzel shaped bun at the back of her head. She surprisingly wasn't wearing her usual overly undersized clothing. Strange. She opened her mouth, only for me to cut her off coldly.

"I have nothing to say to you." I snarled, my eyes narrowed to mere slits of fury. She swallowed and nodded, lowering her gaze to the school floor. I turned on my heel to stalk away, only for her voice to call out after me.

"W-wait! I just wanted to say...I'm so, so sorry. My cousin recently g-got raped, and it gave me new perspective. I genuinly regret the way that I treated you, I was driven by lust and built up anger from my own personal life issues. And I know that doesn't excuse my actions in any way, believe me. I am in no way begging for any forgiveness whatsoever, I don't in any sense deserve that."

She paused for a moment to catch her breath, her watery eyes still trained intently on the floor.

"-But I just you to know that I'm so, truly sorry for how I treated you, and that I will stay away from you from now on. I promise." She continued, her lapis eyes lifted from her feet to my face, her gaze even with mine. I stood in silence, unsure as to what emotion to feel.

This girl had made my life even more of a living hell than it already was for the past two months.

But now...she was apologizing??


That just didn't make any sense.

Why would she apologize to me??

Did someone force her to do this?

Probably, that would make the most sense.

Unless she was actually sorry...

No. There's no way.

This is all probably just a prank. A joke. A dare, even.

"It's not." Brunnett Bitch's quiet voice sounded, wrenching me from my internal monolog.
"Not what?" I questioned, my eyebrows scrunching together, confused.
"A prank. Or a joke or a dare, for that matter."
I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, confused.

Did she read my mind?

Then I realized that I must've spoken out loud.
I looked at her, trying to determine whether or not she was serious. Her lapis blue eyes were staring into mine intently, her slim, exposed shoulders stiff with tension. Her pink, glossed lips were pressed into a tight, straight trembling line. Her blue eyes were glassy with barely disguised tears. I sighed quietly, running a gloved hand down my exhausted face.

Damn, okay, maybe she is serious.

I nodded slowly, deep in thought.
"Okay...I believe you. I'm still not ready to forgive you however, but if you're not a total little shit from now on, I might consider it. Got it?" I demanded.
She beamed, her shoulder dropping with obvious relief. She nodded enthusiastically, her neck cracking slightly at the sudden intense movement. She silently stepped aside to let me by, my gut tensing.

I am so going regret that majorly.

I walked to class, feeling people's gazes burning into my back as I did so. I sighed internally, gritting my teeth.


I wondered silently if they would ever learn to stop staring.

Probably not.


Someone needs to teach them a lesson for Manners.

I reached the door to the classroom, and opened it. The teacher welcomed me, telling me that class would begin in the next ten minutes but I could stay in there until that point.

I nodded silently at her to show that had I heard her. I sat down at my desk, tapping my gloved fingers against the sleek, cold metal of the table. I stared at the clock silently as I watched the minutes tick by, agonizingly slow. Finnaly, kids started to file into the classroom, chatting excitedly to eachother and gossiping loudly. I exhaled through my nose, sighing.

This was going to be a long class.


It was the end of the day, and as I was about to walk out of the school, Jay ran up to me, panting and out of breath. He leaned against the wall to regain his breath.
"W-Wren-" He gasped, doubled over with his hands on his knees.
I waited patiently for him to get his breath back. He eventually did, after a minute filled with his ragged breathing.
"Ran across the school...looking for you. Braden wanted me to give you this-" He handed me a sheet of paper, with slightly messy writing scrolled across it with phone numbers. I glanced up at Jay, slightly confused He shrugged apologeticly, giving me a warm smile that made me die inside. Just a little. Whatever.
"It's so that you can call us if Crayne corners you again or something." He explained, his eyes narrowing slightly as he mentioned Crayne. I nodded in response, folding the paper up and slipping it up my sleeve.
"Thanks." I hummed, making him smile again. He nodded and waved before walking away.

Without a doubt, this was going to get interesting.

Crow: He's right, you know.
Things certainly are going to get interesting. My apologies for the past few filler chapters, where nothing exciting has really been happening.
But I promise this is just a plot build up towards another cliff hanger. Because I know how you all LOVE those. Totally.
Anyways, thank you all so much for reading this shitty excuse for a chapter, and I hope that you all have a positively wonderful day/night. Love you all! ♡

Word count: 1134

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