Chapter VII-Yours

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Crow: Hey, everyone. Welcome back to this terrible book. How're yall doing? I love you all so much, take care of yourselves. You are loved, and never fucking think otherwise. ♡♡♡

Wren's pov:

Jay stared deeply into my eyes, his soft pink lips only a hairstrand away from my own. After a heartbeat he closed the distance, and suddenly everything felt new: His soft lips against mine, his warm breath against my flushed cheeks, and his long eyelashes fluttering closed. But of course, everything just had to go completely wrong...

The door to the classroom flew open and there stood Crayne, his massive form almost completely taking up the door frame. His massive fists were clenched into balls of fury and his eyes were wide with pure, murdererous rage.

The scene flickered slightly, skipping through the memories like a scratched tape. Suddenly, it finally stopped jumping around and landed on Jay's limp form that lay crumpled on the cold ground of the classroom, blood flowing from a large gash in his pale throat. His golden eyes were wide with pain and were already beginning to glaze over.

I yearned to run to him, to hold him, if only for one last time. But I couldn't. I was stuck to the ground, forced to witness as one of my loved ones slowly gave into death's clutches.

Something wet on my face made me realize that I had been silently crying as tears made their way down my face. A soft whisper of wind swept the room, making me turn. I was too numb to feel curious as to where it came from.


Right next to me now stood Jay. My heart leapt into my throat before the confusion set in. Jay's corpse still lay limply on the floor a few feet in front of me. The standing Jay looked at me, his expression hard and angry.
"This was your fault." He snarled, glaring at me.

"You're a failure! You couldn't even save your own fucking crush? Pathetic. It should be you on the floor, not me."

I stared at him, my heart shattering for a second time in the last five minutes. Because he was right...


Time passed on without me as I laid on the cold cement ground. By this point I had accepted my fate and the only emotion that I felt was numb. Multiple weeks had passed since my last full meal, seeing as once my captures had seen my blood, they stopped feeding me exept for a stray mushy grape or two.

My water was now delivered in a cilicone cup, seeing as I wasn't to be trusted with glass anymore. My stomach was empty and hollow and my eyes had no tears left to shed.

I wanted it all to just simply end, to die, to stop this suffering. However despite my best wishes, I was kept alive only for the single sake of leverage over Kiwi. That was what I was told, anyway.
So I was left to wither away, into a shell of the man that I used to be. A ghost.


I stared at the metal wall in front of my face. I was laying on the cold cement ground again, my frail body similar to that of a lifeless husk as each day my body weakened even further.

I missed Derek and Kiwi to the point where I thought of no one else. My life had turned into an endless cycle:

At this point I had given up any remaining hope of ever escaping this hell hole. I welcomed death with open arms. I was so close to be able to finnaly rest...

Mine, Yours, And Ours [BXB] (18+) |DISCONTINUED|Where stories live. Discover now