Chapter XII-Mine

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Crow: Well, I think that the warning says it all...(Stay hydrated!)

Trigger Warning: Some sexual assault, unconsentual kissing, murder, blood, and death. If any of these things make you feel triggered, please do not proceed. The intentions of this chapter was not to make anyone feel uncomfortable.

Wren's POV

My eyes went wide with horror as Crayne slammed the door shut behind him, his huge, muscular body towering over us. I scrambled backwards, trembling.

Fuck- What was he going to do to us?

He turned to Jay, who was frozen with fear, rooted to the ground of the classroom. Crayne grabbed him by the shoulders and forcefully slammed him against the classroom wall, making Jay yelp out in pain. Crayne let him drop to the floor again before brutally punching him in the jaw. Jay staggered on his feet, coughing up some blood as he did so.

Jay's golden eyes were glassy with pain and his shoulders were tense and trembling. He gasped for breath, his chest heaving greatly at the effort. Blood coated the right side of his pale face and his soft pink lips were pressed into a tight line of excruciating pain.

I scrambled forwards desperately, trying to intervene. I ran at Crayne and punched him in the hip (that's all he could reach since hes so short compaired to Crayne lmao), trying to distract him. Crayne turned his attention back to me, leaving Jay leaning bloodily against the wall, hacking up more blood that ran out of his gasping mouth and stained his soft white shirt glistening skarlet.

Crayne loomed over me before grabbing the collar of my shirt in his huge fist. I tried to scratch his hand at an attempt to make him let go, but I only succeeded in somehow making him even angrier.

He brutally slammed me against the wall of the classroom, making my ribs crack loudly. I let out a hiss of pain at the contact, feeling my eyes widen as hot pain blossomed in my chest. It felt like scorching lava was sloshing around in there, searing my nerves.

Probably broke a rib or two


Crayne pressed his huge, muscular body against mine, pressing me harder against the cold wall of the classroom. I let out a weak whimper of pain as I felt his body press against my prussamably broken bones. I struggled, only for him to tighten his iron grip on my trembling, pain laden body.

His lips slammed forcefully against mine, bitting into my lips until I tasted my own blood. I tried to turn my head away from him, only for him to grab my jaw and jerk it brutally back towards him. My eyes watered in pain and I had to bite my tongue to hold back a cry of excruciating pain.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I could see Jay begin to stagger shakily in our direction.

No, don't-

I crumpled to the floor as Crayne suddenly dropped me. I weakly lifted my head to see Jay standing there, clutching bleeding fist. A trickle of blood ran from the corner of mouth, from when he had been coughing up blood. His golden eyes were glassy from pain and bloodloss.

Crayne loomed ominously over him, his back turned to me. He slowly reached into the pocket of his dark blue jeans and pulled out something sharp that glittered wicked silver in the classroom lighting.


Crayne bent over Jay, his mouth next to the honey blonde's ear, murmuring something to it quietly. Jay visibly shivered and began to step away.

Quick as a lunging snake, Crayne pulled the knife from behind his back and slashed upwards against Jay's throat. Jay staggered, his pale fingers groping at his throat. He stared at his fingers as they retreated, glistening skarlet.

He staggered before falling weakly to his knees. He slumped over sideways onto the floor, his chest heaving with the effort of breathing. The sound of loud footsteps told me that Crayne was moving away, before the door of the classroom open and slammed closed once again.


A quiet sob escaped my mouth and tears pooled in my blurry eyes before spilling over, blinding my vision. My body ached and my ribs burned in protest as I attempted to crawl over to the trembling form of Jay. I fell to the ground again with a sob, around two feet away from him now.

Jay heard it and he shifted slightly, coughing wetly as blood poured from the large slit in his throat. His glassy, beautiful gaze met mine and a soft smile curled the edges of his soft pink lips. He weakly lifted his hand and laid it on mine, his delicate fingers twining around my own.

"W-Wren-" He breathed, before coughing again, the action making the blood pour only quicker from the surely fatal wound.
"Hey, I-I'm here..." I whispered, tears blinding me once again as another quiet sob escaped my trembling lips.

He gently ran a shaky hand through my hair, smiling softly as he did so, his oposit hand still clutching my own. He sighed contently, his bright golden eyes slowly beginning to dim and loose focus.

"Wren..." He murmured again to me, his hand cupping the side of my face. He let another long sigh, before his hand slowly went limp and dropped from the side my face.

I sobbed even harder, tightening my grip on his slowly cooling hand. My body shook feebly as I cried, my bleary eyes began to droop with exhaustion. My blurred vision began to slowly fade out, my consciousness beginning to slide into the void of nothingness.

And I let it.

Crow: Okay, I'll admit it, writing this made me a feel really sad. But I promise that it's essential to the plot of this shitty excuse for a book. Also, maybe for the next one...? I'm thinking that I'm going to make a sequel to this book, since this one is sorta almost over. Let me know how you guys think about that in the comments. Thanks for reading, even it got really depressing. My apologies for that and any spelling errors. Love you all and have a wonderful day/night!

Word count: 1047

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