Chapter 1

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Stella's POV:

I watched, intrigued, as a boy with tousled black hair and dazzling sea-green eyes strutted into the cafeteria, his eyes darting around curiously. 

When his radiating eyes landed on Annabeth, my best friend, his face lit up. Everyone whispered excitedly and pointed at "the new guy" as I shot Annabeth an amused smirk. Rolling her eyes, she half-jogged half-ran towards "the new guy" and tackled him in a bear hug. Carter, my twin, shot me an amused look, and I smirked back. 

When Annabeth and her "boyfriend" walked over to our table, Carter shot me an are-you-sure-about-this-look and I nodded, sensing his hesitation.

Like, I don't blame him, but I trust Annabeth enough for her not to bring some sort of thug to our table. After all, he looked nice and Annabeth had already mentioned her "boyfriend" coming to our school a few times.

"So, you must be the infamous Percy Jackson," I smirked, poking Annabeth with my elbow. 

"Infamous? Annabeth, what did you tell her?" Percy grinned, nudging her shoulder playfully. Annabeth brushed a golden strand of hair out of her face and rolled her stormy grey eyes.

"No, I'm just joking. Annabeth hasn't said anything bad about you. She wouldn't talk about her boyfriend behind his back. She loves him too much ." I sniggered, emphasizing a few words. 

"Looks like Wise Girl doesn't need me watching over her after all. Good girl!" Percy joked, patting Annabeth's head playfully. I laughed, and I even caught Carter smiling. 

This Percy guy didn't seem so bad. Hopefully, Carter and I could build a good friendship with him. Things were going to be great.


Okay, so basically, Carter's been acting weird. 

At lunch, he kept shooting Percy dark looks and muttering gibberish. I didn't get the chance to talk to him during class because our teacher is really strict, so, when the bell rang, I immediately rushed to catch up with Carter. 

"Carter!" I yelled a little too loud. He turned around with an annoyed look on his face. "What's wrong with you today? Why so grumpy?" I chuckled playfully, ignoring the dark look he shot me. 

"Nothing..." He muttered unconvincingly. 

"Carter," I said sternly, "I'm your twin. I know when something's wrong!" 

"Ugh, fine! It's just that Percy's hiding something. I can feel it. Raffy told me that Percy's real name is actually Perseus, but there's more. Apparently, he isn't human. You better watch out, Stella. Annabeth might be in danger!" Carter grumbled.

 "Really? Raffy?! You've been talking to Rafael Harding? You know everything he says is fake, right? And plus, if Percy isn't human, what is he? An alien? Also, I trust Annabeth enough to know she's not going to bring some monster to us!" I argued, slightly annoyed. 

"Apparently he's a demi-god or something. I don't know!" Carter complained. 

"Okay grumpy pants. Whatever floats your boat. I don't entirely believe you though. I still think Percy's human." I said, glaring at him. 

"Why don't you believe me? I never lie! You're being a brat!" Carter growled.

I put my hands up.

"Carter! It's. Not. A. Big. Deal! Now, I'm going to see Annabeth if you don't mind." I barked, shooting him a dark look. 

"Fine! I'm going to hang out with Raffy and his friends to get more details about Percy." He retaliated.

I rolled my eyes.

Rafael Harding and his "gang" were the most popular kids at school, they loved spreading rumors, and were known to be the most aggressive bunch of kids at West Hambridge High.

"You're not going to Rafael Harding! No way! Even though I'm really annoyed with you right now, there's no way I'm letting you hang out with him!" I demanded, trying to drag him away, but he just shook me off, slid his hands into his pockets and stormed off.

I sighed. It was going to be a long week.

After a while of walking, I finally found Annabeth and Percy. 

"Hey guys," I mumbled, still annoyed with Carter. Annabeth frowned at me, clutching Percy's hand. 

"What's wrong, Stella?" She asked me curiously. 

"Oh, well, Carter's being annoying," I muttered, staring at the smooth concrete floor.

 "What about Carter?" Annabeth pushed, squeezing Percy's hand. 

"Ow!" He yelped, looking at Annabeth accusingly. She smirked, then turned to me again. 

"Um...Well, he's heard some stuff about Percy and he thinks he's like a demi-god or something. I don't even know what that is! He thinks Percy's dangerous." I told them, shrugging. 

Percy's sea-green eyes widened. Annabeth gasped. 

"What?" I asked them, narrowing my eyes. 

"N-nothing. That's so weird! Why would Carter think Percy's dangerous?" Annabeth stammered, looking at Percy who nodded. 

There was something suspicious going on, but I knew better than to push them for details.


Note: Hi guys! This is my first book so tell me if you like it and make sure to give me some feedback. I would love to know how I'm doing! If you spot a mistake, please tell me. Also, chapters 2 and 3 might come a few days later, and I'll try my best to be as fast as possible with submitting them since I don't want to keep you guys waiting. I'll keep you guys updated. Have a good day/night! :)

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