Chapter 6

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Lucas' POV:

My first day at West Hambridge High was a disaster!

To start, when everyone was choosing their spots, I tripped on a table leg (luckily no one saw me) and bruised my ankle! That was only the start. Leslie and I ended up sitting with this guy named Rafael and his annoying friends. They were super chatty the whole lesson and kept interrupting the teacher. I just wanted them to shut up!

At snack, I went to find Annabeth and Percy so Leslie and I could execute our plan, but they were no where in sight! Then Leslie and I ran into this girl named Stella that was apparently Annabeth's best friend and Leslie got into a huge fight with her.

In P.E, I thought I could prove to Annabeth that I was better than Percy with my super good swimming skills, but all he did was beat my swimming school records (all of them!!!) by more than 10 seconds without even breaking a sweat! Who is this guy? Oh yeah. Some god's son. Must be Poseidon or something. That would make sense.

I thought this day wouldn't get any worse, but I was wrong. Very, very wrong. When I was walking home from school with Leslie, I received a DM on Instagram from this girl called "totallyannabethchase" who I thought was Annabeth. We had started a whole conversation and I really thought Annabeth was into me but turns out it was just Leslie pranking me. This was what the conversation went like:

A: Hey! Is this Lucas?

L: Yeah! Is this Annabeth?

A: Who else would it be?

L: Idk! What's up?

A: Percy and I had this fight and broke up! :( I hope we can get back together

L: Nah! He doesn't deserve you. I overheard him talking about you at lunch.  (This message was a lie, duh!)

A: What did he say?

L: He said he thought you were annoying and clingy. He wanted you to back off.

A: OMG! I'm not getting back with him!

L: I have something to tell you...

A: Spill!

L: I like you...a lot.

A: OMG! What?! That's crazy! I like you a lot as well!

L: Wanna hang out sometime?

A:  Absolutely!

L: Later! xx

A: Cya! xx

L: ;)

A: :)

Our conversation was going great when suddenly Leslie started giggling uncontrollably.

"What's up with you?" I questioned her suspiciously.

"You're ridiculous!" She snickered, showing me her phone which had me and Annabeth's conversation on it.

I rolled my eyes, suddenly realizing what she had done. Blushing, I quickened my pace. I had to get her back sometime!

Leslie's POV:

I met this girl named Stella at lunch, and turns out she was Annabeth's new bestie. I can't believe Annabeth would replace me with such a foul person like her! Pee-yoo! That girl even had the audacity to challenge me to a who knows Annabeth better challenge. I accepted. Obvi!

"Okay, I bet you don't know that she has a dog named Mrs O'Leary!" She started, smirking.

I didn't know that, but I wasn't going down so easily.

"I didn't know that, but I am certain you don't know that Annabeth and Percy both have gods and goddesses as parents!" I snickered, folding my arms.

"You're wrong! Her dad's not a god!" She argued, narrowing her eyes.

I rolled my eyes. That girl was seriously dumb!

"Well, have you ever seen her mother?" I asked her, smirking.

"No! Annabeth told me she's sick." She muttered, shaking her head.

Girl! You are clearly too gullible. Come on!

 I laughed at her.

"No, you moron! Her mum's Athena!" I sniggered.

She looked very deep in thought. Was that girl finally putting 2 and 2 together? Geez, she's a little slow!

After like 100,000 hours of pondering, she rushed to Annabeth and bombarded her with a billion questions. Annabeth shot me a death stare and I smirked back. I then proceeded to greet Percy with a sickening sweet smile and a flirty wave. I made sure his eyes were locked on mine. He grinned sweetly back. Annabeth noticed this, and was clearly jealous. She shoved Percy weakly, and shot him a dark look. I rolled my eyes, then walked off. Percy was going to be mine very soon!

My day started horrible, but the fact that I annoyed Annabeth was so delightful! (OMG! Why am I using such complex vocab all of a sudden? Am I turning into Annabeth? *Puke*) I also know Percy's into me! He's going to ask me out very soon! I know it.

The next day, I giggled as Percy told me an incredibly funny joke, exaggerating my laugh as Annabeth was watching. He then pulled me aside to talk in private.

"Um, Leslie...I you." He blushed, looking at the floor.

I dropped my new designer purse (which I regretted instantly!!!). Was he for real?! I smiled sweetly, twisting a lock of hair around my finger.

"I like you too!" I blurted out, blushing.

He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Y-you mean it?" He stammered, locking his beautiful sea-green eyes on mine.

"Of course!" I squealed.

He smiled widely.

"What do we do with stinky Annabeth, though?" I asked him, giggling.

He chuckled, "I don't know! That's going to be such a big problem!"

I nodded in agreement. I was about to say something when the bell rang. Ugh! Totally perfect timing, am I right? Wait. That isn't the bell! That's the sound of...of my alarm clock!

"NOOOOOOO!" I screamed, waking myself up. Was that just a dream? NO! (Luckily I didn't actually drop my designer purse, though. Phew!)


Note: This was a short chapter because my mind's gone blank! NOOOO!(Apologies for only 909 words to those who love long chapters!) I might edit this chapter later... Anyways, thank you all so so much for 94 reads! AAAAAAAAAAH! So close to 100 reads! Also, watch out for a plot twist coming soon...Apart from that, thank you all so much! 24/04/2023 :)

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