Chapter 10

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Lucas's POV:

As I walked to school with Leslie, she kept looking away when I tried to ask about Percy. I wish she would just communicate with me properly! Like, seriously! I'm her twin!

Still, I knew better than to push her for answers, so I scrolled through my messages. No new texts from Annabeth...yet. 

Before I knew it, we arrived at school. Shoving my phone into my pocket, I headed to class.

Our teacher droned on and on as usual. Blah, blah, blah, something about a quiz, field trip, boring stuff... Yeah, class was boring, all right. 


The bell rang for lunchtime, causing a swarm of buzzing students to pour into the hallway. I pushed and shoved students out of the way to try to get to Annabeth, who was meant to be waiting for me in the cafeteria.

Suddenly, I was shoved into the wall with a loud thump and my head started to throb. Looking up, I stood face to face with an angry Carter Solace, staring me down like he was a wolf and I was the meat.

"Geez, bro! Did you have to do that?" I groaned, rubbing my shoulder.

"Maybe you shouldn't push me next time!" He growled, scrunching his fists.

"Okay, but I didn't know you had anger issues!" I blurted out angrily. 

Oops. His face turned tomato red and he gripped my shoulders, pushing me against the wall. 

"I. Don't. Have. ANGER ISSUES!" He barked, tightening his grip. 

I squinted against the pain. It felt like he had flames coming out of his palms and they were boring holes into my shoulders. 

And since the hallway was so loud, there was a big fat chance no one heard his yell but me. Great. I wouldn't be escaping him too soon.

Just when I thought I was about to pass out from the pain, someone yelled, "Carter! Stop!"

Almost immediately, he let go and stared at his reddish palms as if they were aliens.

Annabeth and Stella appeared amongst the crowd of students, terrified looks on their faces. Annabeth gestured to Stella, and Stella took Carter away. Facing me, Annabeth put a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her beautiful stormy grey eyes staring at me. 

Sweat dotted my forehead, my head starting to throb.

"Y-yeah." I groaned. 

My head throbbed more, causing me to feel nauseous. The room started to spin, and the noisy chatter in the hallway began to seem muffled. In a second, I felt my legs turn to jelly, and I collapsed.

Annabeth's POV:

"Are you telling me Carter might be able to summon fire?!" Stella asked, bewildered.

I nodded. 

"You guys are related to Will. Therefore, you guys are children of Apollo." I explained.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure my dad isn't Apollo. His name is Gerald and he's a really nice guy-" I cut Stella off.

"That's what's been confusing Percy and I. We still haven't figured it out." I said, frowning.

"Do the twins still believe that you and Percy are enemies?" Stella chuckled, changing the topic.

"Yeah." I smiled.

Suddenly, something didn't feel right. It was like some sort of weird energy drifting through the air. It made me more alert. I think it was my brain trying to tell me something. Dragging Stella along with me, I went to find Lucas. I don't know why, but I felt like I needed to reach him.

We pushed past a few angry students, and after a while of roaming the hallways, I spotted some guy pressing Lucas against the wall. Lucas seemed to be struggling and in a lot of pain.

"Carter!" Stella suddenly yelled. 

Looking closer at the guy, I realized that it was Carter! Something was about to go wrong. I could feel it. Without hesitation, I yelled, "Carter! Stop!"

Carter's POV:

I was casually walking through the hallway when all of a sudden some jerk shoved me and i fell forward! My whole body was slammed violently into the brick wall nearby and my ears started to ring. 

I stood up straight, slightly dazed but my insides were bubbling. Looking around wanting to throw some fists, I caught sight of Lucas, pushing his way through the tsunami of students. He must have pushed me!

With my anger taking control of me, I raced through the crowd and without hesitation, I shoved him against the wall.

"Geez, bro! Did you have to do that?" He groaned, rubbing his shoulder.

My face heating up, I yelled," Maybe you shouldn't push me next time!"

"Okay, but I didn't know you had anger issues!" He retaliated.

My insides bubbling out of control, I felt the heat of my rage rush to my palms as I pressed him against the wall. My hands got so hot they felt on fire. My rage blinded me, I had no control over my body.

A voice amongst the crowd brought me back to my senses and the next thing I knew, Stella was dragging me away.

"Carter! What happened?" She yelled, a shocked look on her face.

"I- Um...I don't really know." I stuttered.

She stared at my red palms and asked, "Do your hands burn?" 

I nodded slowly, unsure of what she was getting at. 

"I know why. Annabeth told me," She said, "Apparently we're related to her friend Will who-" She stopped suddenly. 

"What?" I demanded. 

"Who's Will?"

"No one. Forget I mentioned him." She muttered.

She then walked away as if nothing had happened. 

Who was Will? I needed to know. Now.


Author's note: Thank you guys so much for reading my story! And O.M.G! We now have over 400 reads?! (can we get to 1k? heheh) If you've made it this far, thank you so much! Also, I apologize for not writing many new chapters, but there are definitely more to come. Have a good day/ night! :))

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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