Chapter 9

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Katie's POV:

OMG! Percy Jackson is sooo hot! Sure, I always knew he was super good looking, but now that I've been paying more attention to him, I discovered that not only is he adorable, but he's also really funny, amazing at water related sports and a great guy!

Boohoo! Poor Annabeth! She's been crying her eyes out lately. I heard that the new girl and her brother separated Annabeth and Percy. That's so smart! If only I had thought of that...

Leslie and Lucas sound pretty smart. I should definitely keep an eye out for them. Leslie could do as my new bestie. And Lucas...well...I could use him as a spy or something. To be honest, he's actually not that bad looking.

Yesterday, as I strutted down the hall with my 16 thousand dollar Chanel purse, I caught Percy grinning at me. Leslie stood beside him, clinging onto his arm and glaring at me. Okay...Maybe I should scratch the 'bestie' plan.

I winked at Percy and shot my best you-back-off-weirdo glare at Leslie, then I sashayed off. 

As usual, a mob of lovesick guys trailed behind me, yelling my name and asking me to date them. Seriously, couldn't they take a hint that I liked Percy, not them?

As I shut my gold plated locker door (the stupid school couldn't do solid gold!), I heard someone shuffling nervously behind me.

When I turned around, I stood face to face with Jason Woodley, captain of the school football, basketball, ice hockey, hockey and soccer team.

I took a step back, surprised. At first, I thought it was going to be Leslie, but I definitely wasn't expecting Jason.

Long story short, he was my ex. Actually, he was my 15th ex. 

He was a great guy, but he cheated on me with Chantelle Richards, my ex-best friend (I replaced her because she didn't tell me about Jason cheating on me! How could she?! I told her all my secrets. I should have known she would betray me at some point!). 

Raising my eyebrow, I pushed past him, not glancing back. 'Right now, I need to steal Percy from Leslie.' I thought, taking my Red Rebel's Revenge lipstick out of my 500 dollar jacket pocket.

I spread it across my lips evenly, slid it back into my pocket and continued down the hallway where the huge crowd of students parted for me, the fabulous, amazing, stylish, popular, rich, superior, gorgeous person. 

"Katie!" Jason called after me. I heard him trying to push past the wave of students behind me.

"Katie! Please!" He yelled desperately. 

Sighing, I spun around.

"Katie, I-I need to tell you something." He muttered, dragging me away from everyone. 

I rolled my eyes as he pulled me into the janitor's closet, which was also the place where he had previously asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Katie, I'm sorry." He said, staring at his Nike runners.

"If this is about the cheating thing, you're a little late, Jason Woodley. That happened 2 weeks, 4 days, 8 hours and 24 minutes ago." I snapped, putting my manicured hands on my hips.

"You're still counting? Still like me, eh?" He chuckled, trying to ease the tension between us.

"Shut up! I don't fall for your tricks anymore. Just stop hanging onto me! I don't even like you any-" I growled, but then I paused. 

Being a fabulous and stunning genius, a plan instantly clicked in my head. 

What if I got back with Jason, then, I chatted and hung out with Percy behind his back. Then, he'd find out and everything would be perfect. I'd get my revenge on the cheater, and at the same time, I'd show Leslie I was better than her and Percy would be mine.

Trying to hide my smirk, I whispered, "Actually, Jason, I do still like you. It's just...I don't know if I can trust you anymore." 

I pretended to sniff. 

"What? Oh...uh...I dumped Chantelle because I felt really bad. Also, I swear I won't cheat again!" He whispered back. 

He offered me his hand which I took. I looked up at him and smiled (I was trying not to laugh, he was so gullible!). 

He grinned back and asked, "So...Do you want to go back to how we were before?..." 

I nodded, forced a sweet smile and pretended to be excited. 

"Great!" He grinned.

"Great. My plan is going great." I muttered under my breath, grinning smugly.

Leslie's POV:

Even though Percy hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet, I'm certain we're an item. However, I definitely didn't expect Katie to step into the picture.

Ugh, I swear that girl has something against me. Something about the way she smiles at me is clearly off. 

Now, she wants to steal my future boyfriend too? Unbelievable! I need to think of a plan and fast! Otherwise, Percy would be stolen from me and all my hard work during this term would be swept away.

As soon as I spotted Percy and Annabeth walking through the school gate (I just don't get why they're still walking to and from school together! They are enemies...right?), I immediately slipped next to Percy while Lucas dragged Annabeth off.

"Uh...Leslie?" He mumbled, trailing behind me.

"Yeaaah?" I asked, turning around.

"I need to ask you something." He said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"You can ask me anything, my boyfri- err...I mean Percy." I stuttered, my face heating up.

"I just wanted to know..." He ran his hands through his hair in frustration as he tried to think of the right words to say. 

Suddenly, it hit me. He wanted to ask to be my boyfriend!

"I already know what you're going to say. Yes, yes! I accept! I would love to be your girlfriend!" I squealed, a little too ahead of myself.

He stared at me, his eyes narrowing.

"Say what now? I just wanted to ask why you keep following me around in school. You're not even my girlfriend. And even if you were, you wouldn't follow me around, surely?" He said, his eyes darkening.

I turned tomato red. 

"I-I um oh! You- uh...O-ok I'll s-stop following y-you." I muttered in shock.

How did this happen? I thought that everything was going to be fine and that Percy would be my boyfriend!



Note: Hello everyone! Here are some questions for you guys: Do you think Katie's plan will work? What do you think Leslie's going to do about the Percy situation?                                                    Chapter 10 won't be up for another 5 days minimum. Sorry for any inconveniences! Also, this book is almost done! Thank you all for over 280 reads and 19 votes! Whaaaat?! Anyways, have a good day/night! 

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