Chapter 4

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Carter's POV:

"Carter!" Stella barged into my room, sobbing. Had my plan worked?

 "Yes?" I asked her innocently, trying to hide my smirk.

"L-look at t-this post! I sent it t-to Annabeth a-and she accused y-you of p-posting it. I said that y-you wouldn't do s-something like this. Now she's m-mad at me. D-did you post it?" She stammered, holding back tears. 

I gulped guiltily. She was losing her best friend because of some stupid post I had made to get her on my side! I hadn't thought about the fact that she would lose her closest friend.

"Erm...yeah," I muttered, looking at the floor. She gasped, her face twisting into a scowl. 

"How could you do this to Annabeth and Percy? I can't believe you're my twin. I'm so disappointed! You know what? I've had enough. I can't forgive you for this! I've always thought you were nice, caring, and a goody-two shoes. I never thought you could be so evil. So vile," she huffed, shaking her head in disappointment, "Carter, from now on, I don't even want to be seen with you! Hang out with Rafael Harding all you want. I don't care!" She stomped out of my room.

This time I was the one holding back tears. How could I have been so stupid to ruin our relationship? So, so stupid! 

I hopped up and decided to apologize to Stella and beg for her forgiveness. After all, she was my twin. How hard could it be?

Stella's POV:

I was so angry with Carter that I would've given him a piece of my mind (I kinda did) but I remembered something. 

I don't consider him as a "twin" anymore, so why bother? 

I know you're probably thinking 'Stella! You're so harsh!' but I've had enough of him trying to get me on his side. I was just thinking about texting Annabeth when he barged into my room.

I shot him a death stare.

 "Look, Stella, I don't know what has gotten into me lately, but I'm sorry." He croaked. I rolled my eyes.

 "Apologize all you want. It's not going to make a difference. Oh, and get out of my room!" I barked, crossing my arms. 

He looked hurt. I didn't care. He had broken me, and this was my payback. 

Annoyingly, Carter just stood there with a gloomy expression on his face.

Furious, I shoved him out of my room and slammed the door on him. Things aren't going to be easy for you, Carter. Deal with it.

The next morning, I grabbed my bag, shoved some cereal into my mouth, and hurried to school without even looking at Carter. 

He tried to talk to me once or twice in the hallways, but I just shot him a don't-you-dare-talk-to-me look and turned the other way. That should show him. No one messes with me without dealing with the consequences. 

Things between Annabeth and I have cooled down. I was going to her house after school to hang out (and to avoid Carter, duh!). 

After a short walk, we arrived at a modern 2-storey house with a neatly mowed lawn. After going inside and placing our bags down, we all took a seat on the couch.

"So, does Carter still think I'm a jerk?" Percy questioned me, raising his eyebrow. Annabeth laughed melodically.

"Yeah," I replied, shooting him an amused look.

"Great." He said sarcastically, which caused both Annabeth and I to giggle. 

After a while of chatting, we headed into the kitchen for a snack. I grabbed a bag of Doritos and Percy raised his eyebrows, his sea-green eyes focused on my chips. 

"D-dureetoes? What are dureetoes?" He sniggered, causing us to laugh hysterically (Percy has dyslexia in case you didn't know). 

"They're Doritos, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth snickered, chewing on some gum. 

"Right. I knew that." He joked, picking up a bag of Doritos himself.

Annabeth and I both watched as he slowly slid a Dorito into his mouth and chewed on it. Suddenly, his face lit up and he quickly reached for another, and another, and another. In less than a minute, he had finished the whole bag and was reaching for another. Annabeth stopped him.

"Woah, Seaweed Brain. Let's stop there, shall we?" She laughed, pulling him away. I followed them up to Annabeth's room.

Annabeth jumped onto her bed, giggling as Percy tackled her with a giant bear hug. I forced a smile and awkwardly sat down. I felt like I was third-wheeling (I kind of was). 

"So!" Annabeth said, opening her phone. "Any new messages? Hmm..."

Suddenly, her face dropped. Percy looked at her with a concerned frown and peered at her screen. His face dropped too, after a moment of processing what was on her phone.

"What?" I demanded, thinking of Carter. Had he caused more trouble?

"Just really annoying "friends" of ours that we had met in our previous high school. They were siblings, both the same age but not twins. One's a girl with brown hair and the other a boy with messy blonde hair," Annabeth explained, "In that high school, Percy and I had just started dating and they tried to pull us apart. The girl named Leslie had a big crush on Percy, and the boy named Lucas had a big crush on me. Leslie pretended to be my best friend but she just wanted Percy. The same with Lucas. There was a bunch of drama."

I sat there processing her words.

"Wow," I blurted out, "Did they text you?"

Annabeth nodded, proceeding to read aloud their text.

"Hi, Annie! It's Leslie! Guess what? Lucas and I are going to be at your school tomorrow! I know right? How exciting! Can't wait to catch up with you and Percy! Toodles! xx Les" 

She practically choked out the words. I felt really sorry for them. 

"Leslie and Lucas seem really annoying," I said angrily. Percy nodded. 

"It's okay. They wouldn't dare mess with you guys. And plus, if they do anything, I'll give them a piece of my mind." I growled. 

Annabeth and Percy shot me grateful looks and I smiled back.

"Maybe we should make a plan to fool them..." Percy suggested, deep in thought.

Watch out, Leslie and Lucas. You won't know what's coming your way.


Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thanks for 50+ reads! From now on, I'll be putting the date on when the chapters are published. Have a good day/night! 21/04/2023 :)

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